User Interface Options

Click the User Interface tab of the Options dialog to change the behavior of the user interface.


Use the following settings to configure parts of the user interface.

Option Description
Active theme Specifies the visual theme to use for the Vasari user interface: Light (the default), or Dark.
Keyboard Shortcuts Displays a dialog to add, remove, import, and export keyboard shortcuts.

You can change predefined keyboard shortcuts, and add your own key combinations for Vasari tools.

Double-click Options Displays a dialog to specify double-click behavior for entering edit mode for the following element types:
  • Family
  • Sketched Element
  • Views/Schedules on Sheets
  • Groups
  • Component Stairs
Depending on the element type, you can choose to have double-click:
  • Do nothing
  • Enable editing of the element type properties
  • Enable editing of the element (or in the case of Views/Schedules on sheets, double-click can activate the view)
Tooltip assistance Specifies the desired level of information about ribbon tools. The default is Normal. See Tooltips.
Enable Recent Files page at startup Displays the Recent Files page when you start Vasari. This page lists the projects and families that you worked on most recently. It also provides access to online help and videos.

As an alternative, you can open the Recent Files page at any time by clicking View tabWindows panelUser Interface drop-downRecent Files.

Tab Switching Behavior

Use the following settings to specify how tabs behave on the ribbon.

Option Description
After clearing a selection or after exiting Specifies the desired behavior in the project environment or in the Family Editor:
  • Stay on the Modify tab: After you deselect an element or exit a tool, the Modify tab stays in focus.
  • Return to the previous tab: After you deselect an element or exit a tool, Vasari displays the ribbon tab that displayed previously.
Display the contextual tab on selection Displays the contextual tab for a selected element, providing immediate access to relevant tools.

When this option is turned off, the contextual tab opens but does not come into focus; instead, the current tab remains in focus. Click the contextual tab to access it.