Diurnal Weather Averages

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When reviewing an GUID-2043E09F-40E5-4155-AE28-134F62E54F54.htm#WS73099CC142F487552C60378B128B24194AD655E in the Results and Compare dialog, this chart tracks annual averages for temperature and solar radiation. The y-axis on the left is the temperature, and the y-axis on the right is the solar radiation in BTUs per hour per area.

Parameter Description
Temperature - Dry Bulb Daily averages of dry-bulb temperature for the entire year.
Temperature - Wet Bulb Daily averages of wet-bulb temperature for the entire year.
Diffuse Solar The portion of solar radiation that is scattered downward in the atmosphere.

On clear days, diffuse radiation is about 10% of the total solar radiation reaching the earth's surface. On extremely overcast days, the portion of diffuse radiation may be close to 100%.

Direct Solar The component of solar radiation reaching the earth's surface from the direction of the sun that has not been refracted, reflected, or scattered.