To modify pier attributes

Piers are generated by default when you create a bridge. Choose pier styles for your bridge from a catalogue of parametric pier components, and edit pier attributes in the Stack. You can manually move, rotate, or remove piers in-canvas.

Note: Move and rotate bridge piers using the transform and rotate gizmos. Change the number of piers for a bridge in the Stack. To manually delete a pier from a bridge, select a pier then press the Delete key.
  1. Select the bridge and then click again on a pier to select it. Attributes for the pier will display in the Stack.
  2. Most attributes for the selected pier are editable in the Stack.
  1. Click on the current pier name to view all the piers in the bridge, and/or select another pier to work with.
  2. Type
    • Select the orange pier foundation component style name to choose another parametric pier foundation component style in the catalogue.
    • Click the thumbnail image to see a schematic view of the current pier component style.
  3. Modify attributes such as skew, offset, and azimuth.
  4. Materials
    • Expand the drop-down menu to change volume materials. Choose between Precast concrete, CIP concrete, Structural steel, or Other Volume Material. This will cause material quantities for your bridge to re-calculate. See To review bridge material quantities.
    • Click the Texture thumbnail image to view a catalogue of available pier texture styles. Double-click a new texture style to apply it to the selected pier. These styles are stored in the Materials/Bridge style catalogue.
  5. Cap: modify properties specific to the pier component style, such as Cap and Columns. These options will vary depending on the pier component style you choose.
  6. Column: modify properties specific to the pier component style, such as Cap and Columns. These options will vary depending on the pier component style you choose.
  7. Add Creation and Termination date values if you want to Use Model Time.
  8. Map data source properties to the selected pier, as well as add a Link or Tooltip. See About Creating Links, Tooltips, and Watermarks.
  9. Optionally, add a description.