Adjust these values in the Render Settings window when rerendering an image from Autodesk® Rendering.
Apply a background environment and image-based lighting to your scene from a collection of High Dynamic Range (HDR) images, replacing the existing background environment from your original scene. Select Native to use the original scene background again.
Choose a render quality based on your needs and available Flex Tokens or Cloud Credits. A Standard quality rendering job, is useful for working on design ideas, typically takes fewer than 10 minutes to complete.
By default, advanced exposure settings simulating physically correct lighting conditions are automatically applied to all renderings. To use Revit's native exposure control settings instead of the default advanced exposure, rerender the image from
My Renderings and select
Alpha: For file formats that support transparency (such as PNG and TIFF), select this to create an alpha (transparency) layer using parts of the image not touched by the camera ray. Once an image is rendered with alpha, its tooltip includes the text "Alpha Channel: Enabled".
Select one of the preset image sizes from the list, in megapixels (MP). The rendering will be created using the maximum allowable width and height in px to give the selected MP size. Remember that larger images take much longer to render than smaller images. Renderings of 2 to 8 MP are useful for internal design reviews and other situations that require higher quality to communicate your design intent. In some cases jobs with these render settings can take longer depending on server loads. Save renderings above 8 MP for images requiring the finest quality, such as competition submissions, important client reviews, and print presentations. In some cases, jobs with these render settings can take longer depending on server loads. The maximum image size is 4000 x 4000 pixels.
Select a preset aspect ratio from the list. To create an image with a different aspect ratio, select Custom Aspect Ratio and enter width and height values, or click the lock icon to the right of the width and height fields.
Select width of the Panorama or Stereo panorama rendering in pixels. A panorama render is a cube map with 6 faces and each face is the width specified. For example, for a panorama rendering, 1024 px would be an image 6 x 1024 x 1024 and for a stereo panorama which contains a left and a right image, it would be 12 x 1024 x 1024.