To Work with Autodesk® Rendering in Navisworks

Before You Start

In Navisworks, set up and save the current 3D viewpoint that you want to render, including the lighting and other parameters before using the Render in Cloud tool.

3D Views
Autodesk® Rendering relies on 3D views created in Navisworks. You can render any or all 3D views found in your project, by making it the current view before starting the Render in Cloud command. The service does not work with 2D views.
Autodesk® Rendering is a highly optimized engine. It is not the same as the rendering engine used in Navisworks. You may find minor differences in the appearance of materials.
Autodesk® Rendering automatically applies advanced exposure controls to simulate real-world lighting conditions. You can adjust this in the Render in Cloud dialog box.
Experiment with low resolution
Render in lower resolution and quality to check general appearance before committing to higher quality and resolution images. Note that a rendering doesn't need to be resubmitted from Navisworks. You can rerender with better quality on the Autodesk® Rendering website.

Render from Navisworks

  1. In Navisworks and click the View tabGraphics panelRender in Cloud. If prompted, sign in to your Autodesk account.
  2. For 3D Views, you can only render the current view.
  3. Adjust the settings, and click Start Rendering.

    Navisworks creates a version of your project containing just the information necessary to render then transmits it to the rendering service. Navisworks displays a notification at the top of the window when transmission finishes. You can continue to work in Navisworks or exit the program.

  4. To monitor rendering progress from Navisworks, click the View tabGraphics panelRender Gallery.