Data Structures
AtNode API

Creation, manipulation and operation with Arnold nodes. More...

Data Structures

struct  AtNode
 This represents a node in Arnold. More...

AtNode Methods

AI_API AtNodeAiNode (AtUniverse *universe, const AtString nentry_name, const AtString name=AtString(), const AtNode *parent=NULL)
 Create a fresh instantiation of a node in a specific Arnold universe. More...
AI_API AI_PURE AtNodeAiNodeLookUpByName (const AtUniverse *universe, const AtString name, const AtNode *parent=NULL)
 Search for a specific node in the given universe using the specified name string (which can be a simple name, a relative path or an absolute path). More...
AI_API bool AiNodeDeclare (AtNode *node, const AtString param, const char *declaration)
 Declare a user-defined parameter for this node. More...
AI_API AI_PURE const AtUserParamEntry * AiNodeLookUpUserParameter (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
 Return the user-defined parameter entry that matches a given name. More...
AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIs (const AtNode *node, AtString str)
 Compare the node type against a string. More...
AI_API void AiNodeReset (AtNode *node)
 Reset all node parameters to their default values and remove any input links. More...
AI_API void AiNodeResetParameter (AtNode *node, const char *param)
 Reset a node parameter to its default value and remove any links to that parameter. More...
AI_API AtNodeAiNodeClone (const AtNode *node, const AtString new_name=AtString(), const AtNode *parent=NULL)
 Return an exact clone of a source node. More...
AI_API bool AiNodeDestroy (AtNode *node)
 Destroy an existing node. More...
AI_API void AiNodeReplace (AtNode *old_node, AtNode *new_node, bool remove)
 Replace an existing node with another, updating all references to that node. More...
AI_API bool AiNodeLink (AtNode *src, const char *input, AtNode *target)
 Creates a connection between two shader nodes. More...
AI_API bool AiNodeLinkOutput (AtNode *src, const char *output, AtNode *target, const char *input)
 Creates a connection between two shader nodes. More...
AI_API bool AiNodeUnlink (AtNode *node, const char *input)
 Removes a connection from a node input parameter. More...
AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIsLinked (const AtNode *node, const char *input)
 Returns true if the input parameter is linked. More...
AI_API AtNodeAiNodeGetLink (const AtNode *node, const char *input, int *comp=NULL)
 Returns the node connected to a given node input parameter. More...
AI_API AtNodeAiNodeGetLinkOutput (const AtNode *node, const char *input, int &output_param, int &output_comp)
 Returns the node, node output, and output component connected to a given node input parameter. More...
AI_API AI_PURE const char * AiNodeGetName (const AtNode *node)
 Return the node's name. More...
AI_API AI_PURE const AtNodeEntryAiNodeGetNodeEntry (const AtNode *node)
 Return the node entry for this node. More...
AI_API AI_PURE void * AiNodeGetLocalData (const AtNode *node)
 Returns a pointer to the local data in the node. More...
AI_API void AiNodeSetLocalData (AtNode *node, void *data)
 Sets local data pointer in the node. More...
AI_API AI_PURE void * AiNodeGetPluginData (const AtNode *node)
 Returns a pointer to the per plugin data for the node type, as created in the node_plugin_initialize method. More...
AI_API void AiNodeSetDisabled (AtNode *node, bool disabled)
 Disable or enable any node in the scene. More...
AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIsDisabled (const AtNode *node)
 Check if a node has been disabled or not. More...
AI_API AI_PURE AtNodeAiNodeGetParent (const AtNode *node)
 Returns the procedural parent of a node. More...
AI_API AI_PURE AtUniverseAiNodeGetUniverse (const AtNode *node)
 Returns the universe a node belongs to. More...
AI_API AtUserParamIterator * AiNodeGetUserParamIterator (const AtNode *node)
 Creates and returns a new AtUserParamIterator for this node. More...
AI_DEPRECATED AtNodeAiNode (AtUniverse *universe, const char *nentry_name, const char *name="", const AtNode *parent=NULL)
AI_DEPRECATED AtNodeAiNodeLookUpByName (const AtUniverse *universe, const char *name, const AtNode *parent=NULL)
AI_DEPRECATED bool AiNodeDeclare (AtNode *node, const char *param, const char *declaration)
AI_DEPRECATED const AtUserParamEntry * AiNodeLookUpUserParameter (const AtNode *node, const char *param)

AtUserParamIterator Methods

AI_API void AiUserParamIteratorDestroy (AtUserParamIterator *iter)
 Destroys a user param iterator when it is no longer needed. More...
AI_API const AtUserParamEntry * AiUserParamIteratorGetNext (AtUserParamIterator *iter)
 Returns current user param entry and points user param iterator to the next one. More...
AI_API bool AiUserParamIteratorFinished (const AtUserParamIterator *iter)
 Returns true if there are no more user parameters to iterate over. More...

Parameter Writers

AI_API void AiNodeSetByte (AtNode *node, const AtString param, uint8_t val)
AI_API void AiNodeSetInt (AtNode *node, const AtString param, int val)
 Set the value of an integer parameter. More...
AI_API void AiNodeSetUInt (AtNode *node, const AtString param, unsigned int val)
AI_API void AiNodeSetBool (AtNode *node, const AtString param, bool val)
AI_API void AiNodeSetFlt (AtNode *node, const AtString param, float val)
AI_API void AiNodeSetPtr (AtNode *node, const AtString param, void *val)
AI_API void AiNodeSetArray (AtNode *node, const AtString param, AtArray *val)
 Set the value of an array parameter. More...
AI_API void AiNodeSetMatrix (AtNode *node, const AtString param, AtMatrix val)
AI_API void AiNodeSetStr (AtNode *node, const AtString param, const AtString str)
AI_API void AiNodeSetRGB (AtNode *node, const AtString param, float r, float g, float b)
AI_API void AiNodeSetRGBA (AtNode *node, const AtString param, float r, float g, float b, float a)
AI_API void AiNodeSetVec (AtNode *node, const AtString param, float x, float y, float z)
AI_API void AiNodeSetVec2 (AtNode *node, const AtString param, float x, float y)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetByte (AtNode *node, const char *param, uint8_t val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetInt (AtNode *node, const char *param, int val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetUInt (AtNode *node, const char *param, unsigned int val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetBool (AtNode *node, const char *param, bool val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetFlt (AtNode *node, const char *param, float val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetPtr (AtNode *node, const char *param, void *val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetArray (AtNode *node, const char *param, AtArray *val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetMatrix (AtNode *node, const char *param, AtMatrix val)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetStr (AtNode *node, const char *param, const char *str)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetRGB (AtNode *node, const char *param, float r, float g, float b)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetRGBA (AtNode *node, const char *param, float r, float g, float b, float a)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetVec (AtNode *node, const char *param, float x, float y, float z)
AI_DEPRECATED void AiNodeSetVec2 (AtNode *node, const char *param, float x, float y)
AI_API void AiNodeSetAttributes (AtNode *node, const char *attributes)
 Set the parameters of a node through an attributes string. More...

Parameter Readers

AI_API uint8_t AiNodeGetByte (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API int AiNodeGetInt (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
 Return the value of an integer parameter. More...
AI_API unsigned int AiNodeGetUInt (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API bool AiNodeGetBool (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API float AiNodeGetFlt (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtRGB AiNodeGetRGB (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtRGBA AiNodeGetRGBA (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtVector AiNodeGetVec (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtVector2 AiNodeGetVec2 (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtString AiNodeGetStr (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API void * AiNodeGetPtr (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtArray * AiNodeGetArray (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_API AtMatrix AiNodeGetMatrix (const AtNode *node, const AtString param)
AI_DEPRECATED uint8_t AiNodeGetByte (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED int AiNodeGetInt (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED unsigned int AiNodeGetUInt (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED bool AiNodeGetBool (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED float AiNodeGetFlt (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtRGB AiNodeGetRGB (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtRGBA AiNodeGetRGBA (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtVector AiNodeGetVec (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtVector2 AiNodeGetVec2 (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtString AiNodeGetStr (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED void * AiNodeGetPtr (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtArray * AiNodeGetArray (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
AI_DEPRECATED AtMatrix AiNodeGetMatrix (const AtNode *node, const char *param)
#define AiNodeDeclareGPULocalData(type)   namespace {}

Node Method Declarations

#define node_parameters   static void Parameters(AtList* params, AtNodeEntry* nentry)
 Parameter declaration method.
#define node_plugin_initialize
 Node plugin initialize method (optional) More...
#define node_plugin_cleanup
 Node plugin cleanup method (optional) More...
#define node_initialize   static void Initialize(AtRenderSession* render_session, AtNode* node)
 Node initialization method. More...
#define node_update   static void Update(AtRenderSession* render_session, AtNode* node)
 Node update method. More...
#define node_finish   static void Finish(AtNode* node)
 Node de-initialization method. More...
#define node_loader   AI_EXPORT_LIB bool NodeLoader(int i, AtNodeLib* node)
 Node loading method (for plugin nodes in dynamic libraries)
 Exporter for common methods. More...
 Exporter for common shape methods. More...

Detailed Description

Creation, manipulation and operation with Arnold nodes.

Arnold has a pluggable node-management system for the standard primitives such as lights, cameras, geometry, shaders, filters, drivers, etc. Each node type has a set of associated methods (member functions) and parameters. Like C++'s objects, Arnold's node system allows new nodes to inherit both parameters and methods from the "parent" node. For example, all nodes have a "name" parameter and a "node_initialize{}" method (among others) because they are declared in the base node from which all nodes inherit.

In addition to these standard methods and parameters, derived nodes may have their own type-specific parameters and methods. For example, all shaders have a "shader_evaluate{}" method and all driver nodes have a "driver_write_bucket{}" method (among others). User-derived nodes may have their own new parameters but are not permitted to add new methods.

Optional "node_plugin_initialize{}" and "node_plugin_cleanup{}" methods can be used for initializing a plugin, if there is some initialization or data to be shared between nodes of the same type. These methods are only called if a node of this type is created. AiNodeGetPluginData() can be used to retrieve the plugin data.

Two of the important data-structures in this object-oriented-like system are:

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ node_plugin_initialize

#define node_plugin_initialize
static bool PluginInitialize(void** plugin_data); \
AI_OPTIONAL_METHOD_INSTALL(ai_common_mtds, PluginInitialize) \
static bool PluginInitialize(void** plugin_data)

Node plugin initialize method (optional)

◆ node_plugin_cleanup

#define node_plugin_cleanup
static void PluginCleanup(void* plugin_data); \
AI_OPTIONAL_METHOD_INSTALL(ai_common_mtds, PluginCleanup) \
static void PluginCleanup(void* plugin_data)

Node plugin cleanup method (optional)

◆ node_initialize

#define node_initialize   static void Initialize(AtRenderSession* render_session, AtNode* node)

Node initialization method.

This function can be used to allocate and/or initialize any data required by the node during rendering. Those allocations should be released in node_finish.

This function is called once when the scene is initialized, and will only be called again if the node is interactively reloaded.

An example could be allocating space for matrices, lookup tables or any kind of cached values that only needs to happen once.

render_sessionrender session where this node will be used for rendering
nodepointer to the node

◆ node_update

#define node_update   static void Update(AtRenderSession* render_session, AtNode* node)

Node update method.

Unlike the node_initialize function, which usually is called just once, this will be called every time a render pass is executed. This is where data derived from modifiable node parameters should be precomputed for later use during rendering. Computation that only needs to happen once should be moved to node_initialization so that there is less overhead during IPR.

render_sessionrender session where this node will be used for rendering
nodepointer to the node

◆ node_finish

#define node_finish   static void Finish(AtNode* node)

Node de-initialization method.

This function is used to revert the actions performed in node_initialize, such as releasing memory allocated by node_init and bringing the node back to its initial state.

This is called when a node is destroyed, and when it is reverted to its initial value, which could happen when interactively modifying a value for a parameter that has the _triggers_reinitialize metadata set.

nodepointer to the node


node_initialize; \
node_update; \
node_finish; \
static AtCommonMethods ai_common_mtds = { \
Parameters, \
Initialize, \
Update, \
Finish \
#define node_parameters
Parameter declaration method.
Definition: ai_nodes.h:71
Methods common to all nodes.
Definition: ai_node_entry.h:73

Exporter for common methods.


static AtCommonMethods ai_common_mtds = { \
Parameters, \

Exporter for common shape methods.

Function Documentation

◆ AiNode()

AI_API AtNode * AiNode ( AtUniverse universe,
const AtString  nentry_name,
const AtString  name,
const AtNode parent 

Create a fresh instantiation of a node in a specific Arnold universe.

Arnold-based apps would call this function to populate a universe with nodes. Node instantiations can be created out of built-in nodes (such as "sphere" or "lambert"), manually-installed nodes (using AiNodeEntryInstall()), or plug-in nodes contained in a .so/.dll dynamic library (using AiLoadPlugins()).

The system automatically destroys all nodes at AiEnd() time prior to shutdown, or when a universe is explicitly destroyed.

When creating a node that will be contained in a procedural node, it is CRITICAL that the proper parent procedural pointer is given through the "parent" parameter. Failure to do so will result in some issues due to incomplete node initialization.
universeuniverse where the node is to be created (NULL for default universe)
nentry_namename of the type of node to be created ("polymesh", etc)
namename of the new node to be created
parentparent of the new node, or NULL for none (global scope)
pointer to a new AtNode of the requested type, or NULL if the node could not be created (the node wasn't previously installed, or it was in the ignore list)

◆ AiNodeLookUpByName()

AI_API AI_PURE AtNode * AiNodeLookUpByName ( const AtUniverse universe,
const AtString  name,
const AtNode parent 

Search for a specific node in the given universe using the specified name string (which can be a simple name, a relative path or an absolute path).

Performs a recursive search for the given name string, starting from the contents of the specified parent node, then continuing up towards the root of the scene, until the node is found. If the parent given is null, the search is performed only at the root level.

The name string could be one a simple name, a relative path (with parent names separated by '^' followed by the node name, or an absolute path, with a similar syntax to relative paths, but starting with '^'). These are some examples:

AiNodeLookUpByName("myshader", myprocedural);
AI_API AI_PURE AtNode * AiNodeLookUpByName(const AtUniverse *universe, const AtString name, const AtNode *parent=NULL)
Search for a specific node in the given universe using the specified name string (which can be a simp...
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:55
universeuniverse to search for this node (NULL for default universe)
namenode path to look up
parentif not null, search will begin within the contents of this node, then it will continue recursively up towards the root of the scene. If null, search will be limited to nodes in the root level.
pointer to a node whose "name" parameter matches the given name string, or NULL if there are no nodes with that name

◆ AiNodeDeclare()

AI_API bool AiNodeDeclare ( AtNode node,
const AtString  name,
const char *  declaration 

Declare a user-defined parameter for this node.

Adds new parameter of type 'declaration' to the specified node instantiation. declaration is a string of the form "class type", where:

  • class := { constant, uniform, varying }
  • type := { BYTE, INT, BOOL, FLOAT, RGB, POINT, STRING, etc. }

The scope of the different classes is:

  • constant values exist on a per-object basis
  • uniform values exist on a per-face basis
  • varying values exist on a per-vertex basis

In the case where the type is ARRAY, then the user should also supply the array type as well.

In the following example, we are declaring two user-defined parameters, "bar" and "heatmap", for one specific polymesh node whose name is "mymesh":

AtNode *mymesh = AiNode("polymesh");
AiNodeDeclare(mymesh, AtString("bar"), "constant BOOL");
AiNodeDeclare(mymesh, AtString("heatmap"), "constant ARRAY RGB");
Arnold String allows for fast string comparisons.
Definition: ai_string.h:54
AI_API AtNode * AiNode(AtUniverse *universe, const AtString nentry_name, const AtString name=AtString(), const AtNode *parent=NULL)
Create a fresh instantiation of a node in a specific Arnold universe.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:280
AI_API bool AiNodeDeclare(AtNode *node, const AtString param, const char *declaration)
Declare a user-defined parameter for this node.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:719
This represents a node in Arnold.
nodeinput node
namename of the new parameter
declarationdeclaration string for the class and type of the new parameter
true if the parameter could be succesfully added: it didn't already exist and the declaration string wasn't malformed
See also
User-Data API

◆ AiNodeLookUpUserParameter()

AI_API AI_PURE const AtUserParamEntry * AiNodeLookUpUserParameter ( const AtNode node,
const AtString  param 

Return the user-defined parameter entry that matches a given name.

This function searches the user-defined parameter entries of a given node looking for a parameter that matches the given string. If found, returns a pointer to the parameter entry.

nodeinput node
paramthe parameter we are looking for
handle to the user-defined parameter entry whose name matches the given string, or NULL if not found
See also
User-Data API

◆ AiNodeIs()

AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIs ( const AtNode node,
const AtString  string 

Compare the node type against a string.

This is a useful helper function that allows one to write code like:

if (AiNodeIs(mynode,AtString("lambert")))
// do something exciting that only applies to lambert nodes
AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIs(const AtNode *node, AtString str)
Compare the node type against a string.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:541
nodepointer to a node whose type is to be compared
stringthe name of an existing node type
true if the node type's name matches the given string

◆ AiNodeReset()

AI_API void AiNodeReset ( AtNode node)

Reset all node parameters to their default values and remove any input links.

If the node is a procedural, any parameter that had a explicit value was overriding the values on the children. Resetting these parameters will remove those overrides.
nodepointer to a node to be reset (if the pointer is NULL, the function will simply return)

◆ AiNodeResetParameter()

AI_API void AiNodeResetParameter ( AtNode node,
const char *  param 

Reset a node parameter to its default value and remove any links to that parameter.

If you reset a declared user parameter, it will be removed and will not exist anymore. You will need to re-declare it later if you wish to use that particular user parameter.

\node If the node is a procedural, this parameter could have been overriding values on the nodes contained in it. This override will disappear once the parameter is reset.

nodepointer to a node (if the pointer is NULL, the function will simply return)
paramname of the parameter to be reset to its default value

◆ AiNodeClone()

AI_API AtNode * AiNodeClone ( const AtNode node,
const AtString  new_name,
const AtNode parent 

Return an exact clone of a source node.

Note that this performs a "deep" copy of all of the node's parameters, including strings and arrays.

the value of the "parent" parameter is the same as if the node was being created as new with the AiNode function. A node that will be contained in a procedural should be created with the proper parent, regardless of where the original node is coming from (root level, another procedural or even the same procedural).
nodethe source node to be cloned
new_namethe name given to the cloned node
parentparent of the cloned node, or NULL for none (global scope)
a clone of the source node, or NULL if the source was NULL or was non-clonable (like the options node)

◆ AiNodeDestroy()

AI_API bool AiNodeDestroy ( AtNode node)

Destroy an existing node.

This function releases all resources associated with an existing node, including all of its memory, parameters, arrays, etc. Attempts to access a destroyed node will cause undefined behaviour.

For now, this function will do nothing if called during rendering.

This function is intended for a single node or very few nodes, created and destroyed during an interactive session. It has an overhead due to memory release and update of data structures, so don't apply this to a large number of nodes, and never to the whole scene. All nodes in the scene are released efficiently during AiEnd().
nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
true if the node was destroyed, false otherwise

◆ AiNodeReplace()

AI_API void AiNodeReplace ( AtNode old_node,
AtNode new_node,
bool  remove 

Replace an existing node with another, updating all references to that node.

For now, this function will do nothing if called during rendering.

old_nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
new_nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
removetrue if the old_node should be destroyed after replacing references

◆ AiNodeLink()

AI_API bool AiNodeLink ( AtNode src,
const char *  input,
AtNode target 

Creates a connection between two shader nodes.

This is just a convenience function for linking shaders when the whole default output of the source shader is used. It maintains the previous API for linking. Everything else is the same as in AiNodeLinkOutput.

So, this:

AiNodeLink(source, "parameter", target);
AI_API bool AiNodeLink(AtNode *src, const char *input, AtNode *target)
Creates a connection between two shader nodes.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:348

is equivalent to:

AiNodeLinkOutput(source, "", target, "parameter");
AI_API bool AiNodeLinkOutput(AtNode *src, const char *output, AtNode *target, const char *input)
Creates a connection between two shader nodes.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:407
See also
srca non-NULL pointer to the source node, to be connected to the target node
inputthe input parameter specification in the target node, which can optionally include a component specification (e.g. "Kd.r", "dir.x"), an array element index (e.g. "colors[1]") or both (e.g. "colors[1].r").
targeta non-NULL pointer to the target node whose input parameter will be connected to the output of the source node
true if the connection was performed successfully, false otherwise

◆ AiNodeLinkOutput()

AI_API bool AiNodeLinkOutput ( AtNode src,
const char *  output,
AtNode target,
const char *  input 

Creates a connection between two shader nodes.

This function is used to build shader networks. It links output of the source node to one of the input parameters in the target node.

A specific component can be selected for certain types, both in the source output and the target input, so that the connection would only affect that component (the other components can be linked independently).

For input parameters of array type, a specific element can be selected, so that the link affects only that element. Same as with components, the other array elements can be linked independently. Additionally, a specific component can be selected for the array element.

A check is made for "link-compatibility" between the source and the target of the connection, so it cannot be performed if they are not compatible. This includes resolution of array types (when using array linking) and takes into account separate component linking.

Node parameters can be explicitly flagged as non-linkable by setting the following boolean metadata:

AiMetaDataSetBool(nentry, "parameter_name", "linkable", false);

Attempts to use AiNodeLink() / AiNodeLinkOutput() on a parameter that has been flagged as non-linkable will produce a warning but otherwise have no effect.

See also
srca non-NULL pointer to the source node, to be connected to the target node
outputa selection of a specific node output (e.g "output_A", "output_B", ...), a specific component of the default output (e.g "r", "g", ...), a specific component of a specific output (e.g "output_A.g", "output_B.z", ...), or the full default node output when left unspecified (using "")
targeta non-NULL pointer to the target node whose input parameter will be connected to the output of the source node
inputthe input parameter specification in the target node, which can optionally include a component specification (e.g. "Kd.r", "dir.x"), an array element index (e.g. "colors[1]") or both (e.g. "colors[1].r").
true if the connection was performed successfully, false otherwise

◆ AiNodeUnlink()

AI_API bool AiNodeUnlink ( AtNode node,
const char *  input 

Removes a connection from a node input parameter.

Using this function you can disconnect, or unlink, a shader input that has been previously linked. If the specified parameter wasn't already linked, this function won't do anything.

nodea non-NULL pointer to a node
inputthe input parameter specification in the target node, which can optionally include a component specification (e.g. "Kd.r", "dir.x"), an array element index (e.g. "colors[1]") or both (e.g. "colors[1].r").
true if the disconnection was performed successfully, false otherwise

◆ AiNodeIsLinked()

AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIsLinked ( const AtNode node,
const char *  input 

Returns true if the input parameter is linked.

It will also check for the parameter to be an array, and check if there is any array element connection, and also check for any separate component linking.

nodenode to be queried
inputthe input parameter specification in the given node, which can optionally include a component specification (e.g. "Kd_color.r", "dir.x"), an array element index (e.g. "colors[1]") or both (e.g. "colors[1].r").
true if the input specification (or any of its components) is explicitly linked, e.g. querying for "Kd_color" will return true if either "Kd_color" or any of its R, G, or B components are linked, but querying for "Kd_color.r" will return true only if the R component has been explicitly linked)

◆ AiNodeGetLink()

AI_API AtNode * AiNodeGetLink ( const AtNode node,
const char *  input,
int *  comp 

Returns the node connected to a given node input parameter.

nodenode to be queried
inputthe input parameter specification in the target node, which can optionally include a component specification (e.g. "Kd_color.r", "dir.x"), an array element index (e.g. "colors[1]") or both (e.g. "colors[1].r").
compif not NULL, the specific component selected on the source node output (-1 for the whole output, [0..3] for a single component) will be returned here
pointer to the connected node, or NULL if the parameter or component is not linked

◆ AiNodeGetLinkOutput()

AI_API AtNode * AiNodeGetLinkOutput ( const AtNode node,
const char *  input,
int &  output_param,
int &  output_comp 

Returns the node, node output, and output component connected to a given node input parameter.

nodenode to be queried
inputthe input parameter specification in the target node, which can optionally include a component specification (e.g. "Kd_color.r", "dir.x"), an array element index (e.g. "colors[1]") or both (e.g. "colors[1].r").
output_paramthe index of the output parameter to which the input is linked (-1 for the default node output, 0 or greater otherwise) will be returned here, undefined when function returns NULL
output_compthe index of the output parameter components to which the input is linked (-1 for the whole output, [0..3] for a single component) will be returned here, undefined when function returns NULL
pointer to the connected node, or NULL if the parameter or component is not linked

◆ AiNodeGetName()

AI_API AI_PURE const char * AiNodeGetName ( const AtNode node)

Return the node's name.

This is both faster and easier to use than the equivalent call:

AiNodeGetStr(node, "name");
nodeinput node
the node name string, or NULL if the input node was NULL

◆ AiNodeGetNodeEntry()

AI_API AI_PURE const AtNodeEntry * AiNodeGetNodeEntry ( const AtNode node)

Return the node entry for this node.

nodeinput node
the node entry for this node, or NULL if the input node was NULL

◆ AiNodeGetLocalData()

AI_API AI_PURE void * AiNodeGetLocalData ( const AtNode node)

Returns a pointer to the local data in the node.

nodeinput node
pointer to local data

◆ AiNodeSetLocalData()

AI_API void AiNodeSetLocalData ( AtNode node,
void *  data 

Sets local data pointer in the node.

This can be used to store custom data managed by the user.

nodeinput node
datapointer to new local data

◆ AiNodeGetPluginData()

AI_API AI_PURE void * AiNodeGetPluginData ( const AtNode node)

Returns a pointer to the per plugin data for the node type, as created in the node_plugin_initialize method.

nodeinput node
pointer to plugin data

◆ AiNodeSetDisabled()

AI_API void AiNodeSetDisabled ( AtNode node,
bool  disabled 

Disable or enable any node in the scene.

Disabled nodes won't take part in the rendering process and the resulting effect will depend on the type of node:

  • shape : it is simply excluded from the render
  • procedural : all its contained objects are excluded from render
  • shader : a disabled shader is replaced with the default shader
  • light : disabled lights are not used during rendering
nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
disabledtrue to disable this node, false otherwise

◆ AiNodeIsDisabled()

AI_API AI_PURE bool AiNodeIsDisabled ( const AtNode node)

Check if a node has been disabled or not.

nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
true if the node is disabled, false otherwise

◆ AiNodeGetParent()

AI_API AI_PURE AtNode * AiNodeGetParent ( const AtNode node)

Returns the procedural parent of a node.

This function returns the "procedural" geometry node that originally created the given node. See Procedural API.

Although this will work in the majority of cases, it doesn't support a few corner cases, such as automatic procedural instancing as used by the procedural .ass cache, where the first procedural that was loaded will be returned.
nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
procedural parent node, or NULL if the node does not come from one

◆ AiNodeGetUniverse()

AI_API AI_PURE AtUniverse * AiNodeGetUniverse ( const AtNode node)

Returns the universe a node belongs to.

This function returns the "universe" in which the node was created.

nodepointer to an existing node, generally coming from AiNode()
universe the node belongs to

◆ AiNodeGetUserParamIterator()

AI_API AtUserParamIterator * AiNodeGetUserParamIterator ( const AtNode node)

Creates and returns a new AtUserParamIterator for this node.

nodenode whose user parameters will be iterated over
an iterator over all user parameters on this node

◆ AiUserParamIteratorDestroy()

AI_API void AiUserParamIteratorDestroy ( AtUserParamIterator *  iter)

Destroys a user param iterator when it is no longer needed.

iteruser param iterator that will be deallocated

◆ AiUserParamIteratorGetNext()

AI_API const AtUserParamEntry * AiUserParamIteratorGetNext ( AtUserParamIterator *  iter)

Returns current user param entry and points user param iterator to the next one.

This function is designed to be used inside a loop, as illustrated by the following example, which prints all the user-defined parameters of a given AtNode:

AtUserParamIterator *iter = AiNodeGetUserParamIterator(node);
AtUserParamEntry *upentry = AiUserParamIteratorGetNext(iter);
printf("%s\n", AiUserParamGetName(upentry));
AI_API const AtUserParamEntry * AiUserParamIteratorGetNext(AtUserParamIterator *iter)
Returns current user param entry and points user param iterator to the next one.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:163
AI_API bool AiUserParamIteratorFinished(const AtUserParamIterator *iter)
Returns true if there are no more user parameters to iterate over.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:174
AI_API AtUserParamIterator * AiNodeGetUserParamIterator(const AtNode *node)
Creates and returns a new AtUserParamIterator for this node.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:122
AI_API void AiUserParamIteratorDestroy(AtUserParamIterator *iter)
Destroys a user param iterator when it is no longer needed.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:132
AI_API AI_DEVICE AI_PURE const char * AiUserParamGetName(const AtUserParamEntry *upentry)
Look-up user-declared parameter name.
Definition: ai_userdefs.cpp:12
If this is an instance, the iterator will NOT include user parameters that were declared in the reference node, even though AiNodeLookUpUserParameter() would find such user parameters in the instance.
itera user param iterator
the current user param entry pointed by the iterator, or NULL if there are no more user parameters to iterate over

◆ AiUserParamIteratorFinished()

AI_API bool AiUserParamIteratorFinished ( const AtUserParamIterator *  iter)

Returns true if there are no more user parameters to iterate over.

itera user param iterator
true if the user param iterator has moved past the last user parameter

◆ AiNodeSetInt()

AI_API void AiNodeSetInt ( AtNode node,
const AtString  param_name,
int  value 

Set the value of an integer parameter.

nodepointer to the node
param_namename of the parameter to set
valuenew parameter value

◆ AiNodeSetArray()

AI_API void AiNodeSetArray ( AtNode node,
const AtString  param_name,
AtArray *  array 

Set the value of an array parameter.

Note that to avoid a memory leak when setting a node's array successive times, the existing array (if any) is deallocated before it's overwritten with the new value; you don't need to call AiArrayDestroy() on the old array, and in fact doing so will probably cause a crash because of a double deallocation.

NOTE: The new array will be unmap'ed automatically before being set.

nodepointer to the node
param_namename of the parameter to set
arraynew parameter value

◆ AiNodeSetAttributes()

AI_API void AiNodeSetAttributes ( AtNode node,
const char *  attributes 

Set the parameters of a node through an attributes string.

Given a node, this API can be used to set a number of its attributes in one go, as shown in the following examples:

AiNodeSetAttributes(myoptions, "threads 32");
AiNodeSetAttributes(myoptions, "GI_diffuse_samples 3 GI_diffuse_depth 1");
AiNodeSetAttributes(mylambert, "Kd 0.7\nKd_color 0.5 0.5 0.5");
AI_API void AiNodeSetAttributes(AtNode *node, const char *attributes)
Set the parameters of a node through an attributes string.
Definition: ai_nodes.cpp:945

This is helpful if you need to use an attribute of a newer version of the Arnold core from an old version of a host 3D application whose UI does not expose this particular attribute yet; the user could enable new or experimental features in the renderer by typing a carefully crafted string in a text field of the UI, which the host app would simply pass through to the renderer. The string is later parsed with the same exact code that is used for parsing node attributes in an .ass file.

nodepointer to the node
attributesstring containing any number of parameter/value pairs separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newlines) as found in .ass files

◆ AiNodeGetInt()

AI_API int AiNodeGetInt ( const AtNode node,
const AtString  param_name 

Return the value of an integer parameter.

nodepointer to the node
param_namename of the parameter to be queried
value of parameter

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