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Various BSDF functions available to shader writers. More...

Data Structures

struct  AtBSDFLobeInfo
 BSDF lobe information. More...
struct  AtBSDFLobeSample
 BSDF lobe sample. More...
struct  AtBSDFMethods
 BSDF function table. More...


 BSDF methods exporter. More...
#define bsdf_init
 Initialize BSDF when before it is used for the first time. More...
#define bsdf_eval
 Evaluate BSDF for the given incoming light direction. More...
#define bsdf_sample
 Sample BSDF for an incoming light direction, and evaluate BSDF. More...
#define bsdf_albedo
 Compute BSDF albedo for AOVs and importance sampling (optional method) More...
#define bsdf_merge
 Merge BSDF with another BSDF of the same type (optional method) More...
#define bsdf_interior
 Return volume closures describing the interior of the object. More...


typedef uint32_t AtBSDFLobeMask
 BSDF lobe bitmask.


 BSDF Lobe flags. More...


AI_DEVICE AtBSDFLobeSample::AtBSDFLobeSample (AtRGB weight, float reverse_pdf, float pdf)
AI_DEVICE AtBSDFLobeSample::AtBSDFLobeSample (AtRGB eval)


uint8_t AtBSDFLobeInfo::ray_type
uint8_t AtBSDFLobeInfo::flags
AtString AtBSDFLobeInfo::label
AtRGB AtBSDFLobeSample::weight
float AtBSDFLobeSample::reverse_pdf
float AtBSDFLobeSample::pdf
int AtBSDFMethods::version
void(* AtBSDFMethods::Init )(const AtShaderGlobals *sg, AtBSDF *bsdf)
AtBSDFLobeMask(* AtBSDFMethods::Eval )(const AtBSDF *bsdf, const AtVector &wi, const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask, const bool need_pdf, AtBSDFLobeSample out_lobes[])
AtBSDFLobeMask(* AtBSDFMethods::Sample )(const AtBSDF *bsdf, const AtVector rnd, const float wavelength, const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask, const bool need_pdf, AtVectorDv &out_wi, int &out_lobe_index, AtBSDFLobeSample out_lobes[])
AtRGB(* AtBSDFMethods::Albedo )(const AtBSDF *bsdf, const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask)
bool(* AtBSDFMethods::Merge )(AtBSDF *bsdf, const AtBSDF *other_bsdf)
AtClosureList(* AtBSDFMethods::Interior )(const AtShaderGlobals *sg, AtBSDF *bsdf)

Built-in BSDFs

enum  AtMetalFresnelMode { GULBRANDSEN , F82_TINT }
 Metal Fresnel mode.
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiOrenNayarBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, const AtVector &N, float r=0.0f, bool transmission=false, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create Oren-Nayar BSDF. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMicrofacetBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, int distribution, const AtVector &N, const AtVector *U, float ior, float rx, float ry, uint8_t exit_type=0, int32_t dielectric_priority=0, float thin_walled_transmission=0, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create microfacet reflection BSDF. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMicrofacetRefractionBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, int distribution, const AtVector &N, const AtVector *U, float ior, float rx, float ry, float dispersion, bool use_fresnel=true, AtClosureList interior=AtClosureList(), uint8_t exit_type=0, int32_t dielectric_priority=0, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create microfacet refraction BSDF. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMicrofacetThinWallRefractionBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, int distribution, const AtVector &N, const AtVector *U, float eta, float rx, float ry, uint8_t exit_type=0, AtString label=AtString())
 Create thin-walled microfacet refraction BSDF. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiMicrofacetSetThinFilm (AtBSDF *bsdf, float thickness, float eta)
 Set the thickness and refractive index of a thin film layered on top of a microfacet surface. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMetalBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, int distribution, const AtVector &N, const AtVector *U, AtMetalFresnelMode fresnel_mode, const AtRGB &fresnel1, const AtRGB &fresnel2, float rx, float ry, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create microfacet BSDF with conductive Fresnel, for metals. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AidEonBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &absorption, const AtRGB weights[3], const AtVector &tangent, const float roughness_longitudinal, const float roughness_azimuthal, const float eta, const float tilt, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create d'Eon BSDF for hair. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiZinkeBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, const AtVector &tangent, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create Zinke BSDF for hair with Lambertian reflectance properties. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiSheenBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, const AtVector &N, const float r, const AtString label=AtString())
 Create Sheen BSDF for cloth-like materials. More...

Functions for implementing custom BSDFs

AI_API AtBSDF * AiBSDF (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, const AtRGB &weight, const AtBSDFMethods *methods, size_t data_size)
 Allocate a BSDF and data memory to store parameters. More...
AI_API const AtBSDFMethodsAiBSDFGetMethods (const AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Get BSDF methods. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE void * AiBSDFGetData (const AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Get BSDF data memory to store BSDF parameters. More...
AI_API const AtBSDFLobeInfoAiBSDFGetLobes (const AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Get BSDF lobes, available after the BSDF has been initialized. More...
AI_API int AiBSDFGetNumLobes (const AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Get the number of BSDF lobes, available after the BSDF has been initialized. More...
AI_API AtRGB AiBSDFGetWeight (const AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Get the BSDF weight. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFSetDirectIndirect (AtBSDF *bsdf, float weight_direct, float weight_indirect)
 Set the BSDF direct and indirect light contribution weights. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFGetDirectIndirect (const AtBSDF *bsdf, float &weight_direct, float &weight_indirect)
 Get the BSDF direct and indirect light contribution weights. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFInitLobes (AtBSDF *bsdf, const AtBSDFLobeInfo *lobes, int num_lobes)
 Initialize BSDF lobes. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFInitNormal (AtBSDF *bsdf, const AtVector &N, bool bounding)
 Initialize BSDF normal. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE float AiBSDFBumpShadow (const AtVector &Ns, const AtVector &N, const AtVector &Ld)
 Compute BSDF shadow factor to solve shading artifacts with bump mapping. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE float AiBSDFMinRoughness (const AtShaderGlobals *sg)
 Estimate a minimum roughness for specular BSDFs, to reduce noise from caustics. More...

BSDF integration

AI_API void AiBSDFIntegrate (AtShaderGlobals *sg, AtRGB *direct, AtRGB *indirect, AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Returns the direct and indirect radiance reflected by the provided BSDF. More...
AI_API AI_DEVICE AtRGB AiBSDFAlbedo (const AtShaderGlobals *sg, AtBSDF *bsdf)
 Returns BSDF albedo for incident direction sg->Rd, i.e. More...

Microfacet distributions

 Beckmann distribution.
#define AI_MICROFACET_GGX   0x01
 GGX distribution.

Detailed Description

Various BSDF functions available to shader writers.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define AI_BSDF_EXPORT_METHODS (   tag)
bsdf_eval; \
bsdf_sample; \
static AtBSDFMethods ai_bsdf_methods = { \
0, \
Init, \
Eval, \
Sample, \
}; \
AtBSDFMethods* tag = &ai_bsdf_methods;
#define bsdf_init
Initialize BSDF when before it is used for the first time.
Definition: ai_shader_bsdf.h:127
BSDF function table.
Definition: ai_shader_bsdf.h:75

BSDF methods exporter.

◆ bsdf_init

#define bsdf_init
static void Init(const AtShaderGlobals* sg, \
AtBSDF* bsdf)
Shader globals data structure.
Definition: ai_shaderglobals.h:45

Initialize BSDF when before it is used for the first time.

This method must set the BSDF lobes with AiBSDFInitLobes(), and may optionally call AiBSDFInitBounds(). Other typical initializations performed in this method would be ensuring the parameters are withing a valid range, store local geometry data for later evaluation and sampling (geometric normal, outgoing view direction, ..), and precomputing data.

◆ bsdf_eval

#define bsdf_eval
static AtBSDFLobeMask Eval(const AtBSDF* bsdf, \
const AtVector& wi, \
const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask, \
const bool need_pdf, \
AtBSDFLobeSample out_lobes[])
uint32_t AtBSDFLobeMask
BSDF lobe bitmask.
Definition: ai_shader_bsdf.h:46
BSDF lobe sample.
Definition: ai_shader_bsdf.h:51
3D point (single precision)
Definition: ai_vector.h:30

Evaluate BSDF for the given incoming light direction.

If the BSDF consists of multiple lobes, lobe_mask describes which lobes must be evaluated. The result of this evaluation for each lobe is:

  • RGB weight, defined as BSDF * cos(N.wi) / pdf. The cosine between the surface normal and the incoming light direction must be included, and the weight must be divided by the probability density. For a BSDF that does perfect importance sampling, this weight would be 1.
  • pdf, the probability density for sampling the the incoming light direction with bsdf_sample.

◆ bsdf_sample

#define bsdf_sample
static AtBSDFLobeMask Sample(const AtBSDF* bsdf, \
const AtVector rnd, \
const float wavelength, \
const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask, \
const bool need_pdf, \
AtVectorDv& out_wi, \
int& out_lobe_index, \
AtBSDFLobeSample out_lobes[])
Vector with differentials.
Definition: ai_vector.h:515

Sample BSDF for an incoming light direction, and evaluate BSDF.

This function returns:

  • Sampled incoming light direction wi.
  • Index of the lobe that was sampled.
  • RGB weight and pdf, matching bsdf_eval for the same incoming light direction.

◆ bsdf_albedo

#define bsdf_albedo
static AtRGB Albedo(const AtBSDF* bsdf, const AtShaderGlobals* sg, const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask); \
AI_OPTIONAL_METHOD_INSTALL(ai_bsdf_methods, Albedo) \
static AtRGB Albedo(const AtBSDF* bsdf, const AtShaderGlobals* sg, const AtBSDFLobeMask lobe_mask)
RGB color.
Definition: ai_color.h:32

Compute BSDF albedo for AOVs and importance sampling (optional method)

◆ bsdf_merge

#define bsdf_merge
static bool Merge(AtBSDF* bsdf, const AtBSDF* other_bsdf); \
AI_OPTIONAL_METHOD_INSTALL(ai_bsdf_methods, Merge) \
static bool Merge(AtBSDF* bsdf, const AtBSDF* other_bsdf)

Merge BSDF with another BSDF of the same type (optional method)

Before initialization, evaluation and sampling, BSDFs of the same type can be merged if their parameters are equal or close enough that they can be mixed. This can improve rendering performance when mixing shaders.

If this method returns true to indicate the BSDFs can be merged, the weight of the other BSDF is added to this BSDF, and the other BSDF is discarded.

◆ bsdf_interior

#define bsdf_interior
static AtClosureList Interior(const AtShaderGlobals* sg, AtBSDF* bsdf); \
AI_OPTIONAL_METHOD_INSTALL(ai_bsdf_methods, Interior) \
static AtClosureList Interior(const AtShaderGlobals* sg, AtBSDF* bsdf)
Definition: ai_closure.h:85

Return volume closures describing the interior of the object.

These closures control the volume interior shading after refraction rays enter the object, typically for absorption inside glass.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ AtBSDFLobeFlags

BSDF Lobe flags.


Sampling the BSDF always returns the same direction.


Sampling the BSDF lobe requires a wavelength


If ray depth exceeded, use background color


If ray depth exceeded, use white color

Function Documentation

◆ AiBSDF()

AI_API AtBSDF * AiBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
const AtBSDFMethods methods,
size_t  data_size 

Allocate a BSDF and data memory to store parameters.

sgShading globals
methodsBSDF methods created with AI_BSDF_EXPORT_METHODS
data_sizesize of BSDF data to allocate, retrieved through AiBSDFGetData()
new BSDF

◆ AiBSDFGetMethods()

AI_API const AtBSDFMethods * AiBSDFGetMethods ( const AtBSDF *  bsdf)

Get BSDF methods.

BSDF methods

◆ AiBSDFGetData()

AI_API AI_DEVICE void * AiBSDFGetData ( const AtBSDF *  bsdf)

Get BSDF data memory to store BSDF parameters.

BSDF data memory

◆ AiBSDFGetLobes()

AI_API const AtBSDFLobeInfo * AiBSDFGetLobes ( const AtBSDF *  bsdf)

Get BSDF lobes, available after the BSDF has been initialized.

BSDF lobes

◆ AiBSDFGetNumLobes()

AI_API int AiBSDFGetNumLobes ( const AtBSDF *  bsdf)

Get the number of BSDF lobes, available after the BSDF has been initialized.

Number of BSDF lobes

◆ AiBSDFGetWeight()

AI_API AtRGB AiBSDFGetWeight ( const AtBSDF *  bsdf)

Get the BSDF weight.

BSDF weight

◆ AiBSDFSetDirectIndirect()

AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFSetDirectIndirect ( AtBSDF *  bsdf,
float  weight_direct,
float  weight_indirect 

Set the BSDF direct and indirect light contribution weights.

For physically correct rendering, these must be set to the default 1.0, however for artistic control the direct and indirect light contributions can be scaled independently.

weight_directDirect light weight
weight_indirectIndirect light weight

◆ AiBSDFGetDirectIndirect()

AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFGetDirectIndirect ( const AtBSDF *  bsdf,
float &  weight_direct,
float &  weight_indirect 

Get the BSDF direct and indirect light contribution weights.

For physically correct rendering, these must be set to the default 1.0, however for artistic control the direct and indirect light contributions can be scaled independently.

weight_directDirect light weight
weight_indirectIndirect light weight

◆ AiBSDFInitLobes()

AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFInitLobes ( AtBSDF *  bsdf,
const AtBSDFLobeInfo lobes,
int  num_lobes 

Initialize BSDF lobes.

This function must be called from within the bsdf_init method.

lobesInformation about each BSDF lobe
num_lobesNumber of lobes in the BSDFs

◆ AiBSDFInitNormal()

AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiBSDFInitNormal ( AtBSDF *  bsdf,
const AtVector N,
bool  bounding 

Initialize BSDF normal.

This normal is used for the builtin N AOV.

If the BSDF only reflects or transmits light within a hemisphere, the normal can also be used to more quickly cull light sources outside the hemisphere around the normal. If the BSDF both reflects and transmits light, no bounds should be set.

This function must be called from within the bsdf_init method.

boundingtrue if the normal defines a bounding hemisphere

◆ AiBSDFBumpShadow()

AI_API AI_DEVICE float AiBSDFBumpShadow ( const AtVector Ns,
const AtVector N,
const AtVector Ld 

Compute BSDF shadow factor to solve shading artifacts with bump mapping.

When a bump map normal is very different from the actual normal, jagged edges can appear. This function returns a factor to add extra shadowing to hide those artifacts.

NsSmooth normal without bump, facing the viewer, computed as (sg->Ng == sg->Ngf) ? sg->Ns : -sg->N;
NBump mapped normal, facing the viewer (typically sg->Nf)
LdDirection vector towards the lights
Shadow factor to be multipled into AtBSDFLobeSample.weight

◆ AiBSDFMinRoughness()

AI_API AI_DEVICE float AiBSDFMinRoughness ( const AtShaderGlobals sg)

Estimate a minimum roughness for specular BSDFs, to reduce noise from caustics.

Unidirectional path tracing can't resolve caustics efficiently. To reduce noise the roughness of specular BSDFs behind diffuse and glossy bounces can be artificially increased.

This function can be used in the bsdf_init method, to clamp roughness to be at least the suggested minimum roughness value.

sgshader globals context
minimum roughness value

◆ AiOrenNayarBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiOrenNayarBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
const AtVector N,
float  r,
bool  transmission,
const AtString  label 

Create Oren-Nayar BSDF.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

sgshader globals context
Nnormal vector that defines the hemisphere of incoming radiance
rsurface roughness, normalized in the [0, 1] range
transmissionuse diffuse transmission instead of reflection
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()
See also

◆ AiMicrofacetBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMicrofacetBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
int  distribution,
const AtVector N,
const AtVector U,
float  ior,
float  rx,
float  ry,
uint8_t  exit_type,
int32_t  dielectric_priority,
float  thin_walled_transmission,
const AtString  label 

Create microfacet reflection BSDF.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

See also
"Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces", Walter et. al, Eurographics 2007
sgshader globals context
Nnormal vector that defines the hemisphere of incoming radiance
usurface tangent vector along the U coordinate
iorrefractive index for Fresnel, use 0 to disable Fresnel
rxspecular roughness along the U direction
ryspecular roughness along the V direction
dielectric_priorityuser-specified signed-integer dielectric priority, for nested dielectrics
thin_walled_transmissionfraction of the BRDF which represents a thin-walled dielectric (to be used in conjunction with AiMicrofacetThinWallRefractionBSDF)
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AiMicrofacetRefractionBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMicrofacetRefractionBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
int  distribution,
const AtVector N,
const AtVector U,
float  ior,
float  rx,
float  ry,
float  dispersion,
bool  use_fresnel,
AtClosureList  interior,
uint8_t  exit_type,
int32_t  dielectric_priority,
const AtString  label 

Create microfacet refraction BSDF.

This BSDF currently only support indirect light, any direct light will be ignored.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

See also
"Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces", Walter et. al, Eurographics 2007
sgshader globals context
Nnormal vector that defines the hemisphere of incoming radiance
Usurface tangent vector along the U coordinate
iorrefractive index
rxspecular roughness along the U direction
ryspecular roughness along the V direction
dispersionCauchy coefficient for dispersion. Zero for no dispersion, higher values give more dispersion
use_fresnelset to true to include Fresnel term
interiorvolumetric closure giving the (optional) embedded scattering/absorbing medium of the dielectric
dielectric_priorityuser-specified signed-integer dielectric priority, for nested dielectrics
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AiMicrofacetThinWallRefractionBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMicrofacetThinWallRefractionBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
int  distribution,
const AtVector N,
const AtVector U,
float  ior,
float  rx,
float  ry,
uint8_t  exit_type,
AtString  label 

Create thin-walled microfacet refraction BSDF.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

sgshader globals context
Nnormal vector that defines the hemisphere of incoming radiance
Usurface tangent vector along the U coordinate
iorrefractive index of the interior medium
rxspecular roughness along the U direction
ryspecular roughness along the V direction
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AiMicrofacetSetThinFilm()

AI_API AI_DEVICE void AiMicrofacetSetThinFilm ( AtBSDF *  bsdf,
float  thickness,
float  ior 

Set the thickness and refractive index of a thin film layered on top of a microfacet surface.

This replaces the classic Fresnel term with a new Airy reflectance term, which is applied per microfacet.

See also
thicknessThickness of thin film in nanometers, typically in the 0 to 2000nm range
iorRefractive index of thin film

◆ AiMetalBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiMetalBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
int  distribution,
const AtVector N,
const AtVector U,
AtMetalFresnelMode  fresnel_mode,
const AtRGB fresnel1,
const AtRGB fresnel2,
float  rx,
float  ry,
const AtString  label 

Create microfacet BSDF with conductive Fresnel, for metals.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

See also
"Microfacet Models for Refraction through Rough Surfaces", Walter et. al, Eurographics 2007
sgshader globals context
Nnormal vector that defines the hemisphere of incoming radiance
usurface tangent vector along the U coordinate
fresnel_modespecify which Fresnel model to use for the metal (GULBRANDSEN or F82_TINT)
fresnel1either real part of the complex refractive index for Fresnel (GULBRANDSEN), or F0 reflectance at normal incidence (F82_TINT)
fresnel2either imaginary part of the complex refractive index for Fresnel (GULBRANDSEN), or tint applied at near-grazing (approx. 82 degrees) incidence (F82_TINT)
rxspecular roughness along the U direction
ryspecular roughness along the V direction
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AidEonBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AidEonBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB absorption,
const AtRGB  weights[3],
const AtVector tangent,
const float  roughness_longitudinal,
const float  roughness_azimuthal,
const float  eta,
const float  tilt,
const AtString  label 

Create d'Eon BSDF for hair.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

Note: Absorption value is referenced in the linear sRGB color space, as per the paper. (overridden when options.enable_deprecated_hair_absorption = true)

See also
sgshader globals context
absorptionabsorption inside hair (in linear sRGB color space)
weightsweights for R, TT, and TRT paths
tangenthair tangent vector, pointing from root to tip
roughness_longitudinalspecular roughness for longitudinal scattering
roughness_azimuthalspecular roughness for azimuthal scattering
etarefractive index of hair fiber
tiltscale tilt angle
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AiZinkeBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiZinkeBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
const AtVector tangent,
const AtString  label 

Create Zinke BSDF for hair with Lambertian reflectance properties.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

See also
sgshader globals context
tangenthair tangent vector, pointing from root to tip
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AiSheenBSDF()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtBSDF * AiSheenBSDF ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
const AtRGB weight,
const AtVector N,
const float  r,
const AtString  label 

Create Sheen BSDF for cloth-like materials.

The returned data is allocated in a pixel pool and does not need to be freed by the caller.

See also
sgshader globals context
Nnormal vector that defines the hemisphere of incoming radiance
rsurface roughness, normalized in the [0, 1] range
[out]albedoalbedo in the [0, 1] range, which can be used to layer sheen onto other closures
pointer to the AtBSDF required by AiBSDFIntegrate()

◆ AiBSDFIntegrate()

AI_API void AiBSDFIntegrate ( AtShaderGlobals sg,
AtRGB direct,
AtRGB indirect,
AtBSDF *  bsdf 

Returns the direct and indirect radiance reflected by the provided BSDF.

Applies the importance sampling Monte Carlo integration technique and multiple importance sampling (MIS) to compute light coming from all objects and light sources in the scene.

The eval_pdf and eval_sample parameters are a matching pair of functions that describe a sample probability density and its corresponding quantile function, respectively. Any pair of PDF and quantile functions that sample the entire non-zero region of the BSDF should in theory converge upon the same result given enough samples, however sample distributions that are specifically tuned to the provided BSDF should have a much faster rate of convergence.

It is possible to compute only the direct or indirect radiance, however if both are needed it is faster to compute them at the same time.

Deprecated, use shader closures instead of integrating light in shaders.
sgShading globals
directreturned direct radiance, coming from lights sources
indirectreturned indirect radiance, coming from other objects

◆ AiBSDFAlbedo()

AI_API AI_DEVICE AtRGB AiBSDFAlbedo ( const AtShaderGlobals sg,
AtBSDF *  bsdf 

Returns BSDF albedo for incident direction sg->Rd, i.e.

the fraction of light not absorbed by it. This can for example be used for weighting a diffuse BSDF below a specular one.

sgshader globals context
bsdfpointer to the AtBSDF
directional albedo

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