You can use the Spec View tool to quickly view submittals, make edits to existing submittals, and add new submittals. You can also conduct common submittal actions like merging, copying, deleting, downloading, exporting, and publishing submittals from the Spec View tool.
To view a submittal:
Open a specification PDF using the table of contents. All submittals in the specification will appear on the right, organized by subsection heading.
Select a submittal to see it highlighted in the specification PDF.
To edit the submittal:
Click the three-dot More menu and select Edit.
Edit the submittal and click Save to apply the changes.
To add a submittal to a specification:
Click + Add item.
Enter all necessary information about the submittal and click Add to finish.
With a specification PDF selected, you can merge, copy, delete, download, export, and publish submittals.
Use the Actions button to open a menu of actions and select the one you'd like.
To publish to Autodesk Build, you must have Manager permissions in that tool.