In BIM 360 Glue, share models with Field to enable data integration.
To integrate data between Glue and Field, create equipment sets for your Glue model objects before sharing the model with Field. A Field administrator can map properties in Field after the model is shared.
Note: You can share models that do not contain equipment sets.
- In BIM 360 Glue, open the merged model you want to share. Go online to share models.
- On the BIM 360 Glue toolbar, click
More Actions
Share with Field.
- In the Share with BIM 360 Field dialog, click Yes to overwrite any existing versions of the model, or No to cancel sharing. A message appears when the model is successfully shared with Field.
After you share a model with BIM 360 Field, a notification appears in Latest Model Activities on the Dashboard. It indicates which version of the model is shared and whether it is in use by Field. An orange icon indicates that the model is in use by Field, and includes version details. If the model is not in use, the icon is dimmed.