Naming Standard Template

The Default - ISO 19650 naming standard is available to view and apply to projects. While you can customize the applied naming standard, you may already know the detailed edits and additions you want to make to attributes and settings.

You can download a template of the ISO 19650 naming standard and edit, add, and remove attributes and settings in an XLSX file. Once completed, you can import and apply your configured naming standard to a project where the enforced folders do not contain files.

Note: The template provides guidelines on its use and requires specific formatting in order for the import to succeed.

Download Template

  1. Click the More menu on the right side

  2. Select Download template

The XLSX template will download to your local downloads folder.

Template Contents

The first four tabs are:

  1. Instructions: Read the instructions to format, edit, and create attributes correctly

  2. Example-TEXTFIELD: Do not enter any information into this tab

  3. Example-DROPDOWN: Do not enter any information into this tab

    Note: Example-TEXTFIELD and Example-DROPDOWN are templates to copy and add attributes to your naming standard. See Add Attributes below for further information.
  4. SETTINGS: Enter the naming standard name in cell A2. Select the delimiter type from the drop-down list in cell B2.

Important: Do not delete, reorder, or rename these first four tabs otherwise the naming standard won't import. If you accidentally delete any of these four tabs, create replacement placeholder tabs to ensure there are four tabs before your project attributes.

The subsequent tabs contain the ISO 19650 attributes:

Naming convention

Related attributes

Important: The Classification related attribute will only be added to the naming standard if you keep the Uniclass 2015 Classification attribute which is included in the template.

Add Attributes

You can add new text field or drop-down attributes to your naming standard:

  1. Right click either the Example-TEXTFIELD or Example-DROPDOWN tab to make a copy of the tab.

    Note: You can add one attribute to each of the copied tabs. You can't change the attribute type of the tab you've copied.
  2. Rename your duplicated tab as desired

  3. Move this new attribute tab after the SETTINGS tab

  4. Edit your attribute as detailed below

Note: To delete an attribute, delete the tab.

Edit attributes

The tabs in the template are formatted specifically so they will import into your project. Don't reorder any columns or rename the column headings in any of the tabs or the file won't import. For example in the image below, columns A - F must remain in the original order and the column headings in bold in row 1 must not be edited.

You can edit the following specific information for all default ISO 19650 attributes and any new attributes you've created:

Note: You can only select Related attributes for the Classification attribute.

Text field attributes: You can also edit the following character settings:

In the example below, a new text field tab has been created. The attributes is named Comments in cell A2. The Char type is alphanumeric in cell D2, with a required character length value from 1-9 characters (inclusive) in cell E2. This attribute will display in the naming convention as selected in cell F2.

Drop-down attributes: You can also add attribute values and a description for each attribute value.

Once you have edited and saved the template, you can now import the naming standard to a project if the enforced folders don't contain files.