Widgets allow you to define a custom dynamic chart, like monthly energy use. Each time you use a widget on your project it will update with the results of the current model simulation.
When you first use Project Solon, data from a sample project (Autodesk Benchtop Commercial Office Project) is automatically associated with sample widgets and any new widgets you may create.
Managing Lists
From the Project Solon Home page you will see a list of recent widgets. To see all widgets, or to perform an action on a widget, click on “View all Widgets” at the bottom of the list. Or from the Project Solon home page, click on the icon at the top left of the screen to expand the asset library and click on the “Widgets” icon. From the Widget list view you can sort and filter widgets by the various columns. You can manage which columns’ you wish to view by clicking on “More Actions” at the top right of the screen and choose “Display Columns. This will open a window list of available columns to choose from. Click on the columns you wish to view and close the window list by either clicking on the “x,” or clicking anywhere outside of the window. You can also perform actions from the list view, such as copy, delete, or create new. You can only delete widgets for which you have permissions.
Creating Widgets
You can create new widgets by either copying an existing widget, or creating one from a blank palette. To create a new widget, from the Widget list page click on “Create New” from the top right of the screen. This will open the Widget editor.
Name your Widget by clicking on “Add Title.” If you choose not to name your Widget it will be named “Untitled.” To add a description of your widget, click “More Actions” in the top right corner of the screen, then select “Info.”
You can also copy an existing widget. Navigate to the Widget list view. Select the widget you wish to copy, and choose Create a New Copy” by clicking on the “More Actions” icon at the top right of the screen.
See Saving Drafts of your Assets
See Editing Drafts of your Assets
You can preview your Widget from within the editor by Clicking “More Options,” then select Option. You can also preview by clicking “Tools,” and then selecting the preview icon.
See Publishing Assets
See Versioning Assets