Description on how to manage user project permissions.
New users are added by invitation in the Autodesk Subscription Center by the contract manager or the software coordinator for the product that has the Green Building Studio entitlement. Permissions to the subscription center benefits are assigned at this time and can be edited later. Project permissions are managed by the assigned Green Building Studio administrator within the web service.
To Manage User Project Permissions
Click the My Account tab and then the Users tab.
The list of users that you have invited and have completed the registration process is displayed. If a user that you invited does not appear on the list it is because they have not yet completed this process.
Select the user that you want to edit by checking the box next to their name. Select as many users as you wish to edit.
Click the Edit button located under the Current Licensed Users list.
The user Project View rights are displayed; check or uncheck the rights as desired and then click the Update button.