Markup Variables

When creating change order documents, it's important to include information about markups such as bonds, contingencies, and fees. This information can be added to the document templates using the relevant variables, which can be found in the table provided. Markup variables can be used to add the name or description of the markup to the generated documents, making it easier for the owner to understand the added costs. By using these variables, you can make sure that all relevant information about markups is included in the change order documents, making the process more transparent and efficient.

Note: Learn more about creating financial markup formulas.

You can use the search at the top of the table to narrow down results.

Variables Description PCO RFQ COR OCO SCO
{x.markups.number} Returns the number of the markup
{x.markups.sow} Returns the scope of work of the markup
{} Returns the name of the markup
{x.markups.description} Returns the description of the markup
{x.markups.note} Returns the notes on the markup
{x.markups.type} Returns the type of markup
{x.markups.proposed} Returns the proposed value of the markup
{x.markups.submitted} Returns the submitted value of the markup
{x.markups.approved} Returns the approved value of the markup
{x.markups.committed} Returns the committed value of the markup
{x.markups.estimated} Returns the estimated value of the markup
{x.markups.pcoNo} Returns the PCO number of the markup
{x.markups.budgetCode.formatted} Returns the displayed budget code for the related markup
{x.markups.budgetCode.original} Returns the full budget code for the related markup
{x.markups.index} Returns the index of the markup
{#x.markups} and {/x.markups} Returns all markup cost items under the change order. Any markup cost item variables that exist between #x.markups and /x.markups are returned.

Note: #x.markups and /x.markups must be used together to open and close this section.
For example:

Refer to the help on sections to learn more about the syntax of this variable.
{x.markups | filter:"name":"markup name" | sumBy:"approved"}
For example:
{oco.markups | filter:"name":"Fee" | sumBy: "approved"}
Returns the total of all merged amounts under the markup name. Use this when you don't want to display multiple instances of markup items, but instead show them as a single item.

Where x is one of the following: