The Forms tool allows you to export forms individually or generate a report for multiple forms in your project. You can also export the Work Logs in forms specifically into a Labor summary report.
You will be given a link to share your export, be able to directly download it, or email the report to others.
This article explains how to export forms directly from the Forms tool. You can also create form reports, including the ability to schedule reports to generate automatically, from the Reports tool. Learn more about creating reports from the Reports tool.
Individual forms within your project can be exported as either a PDF report or an XLSX spreadsheet. You can export a form in any status.
There are two ways to export an individual form:
Start by selecting a form from the Forms log to open it. On the top right of the page, you'll see various options depending on your access to the form. Click Export.
Select the form in the Forms log and click Export selected (1).
To export multiple forms, navigate to the Forms log. There are several ways that you can select forms you'd like to include in a report.
You can select multiple forms. Or, select the box at the top to select all forms on the page. The export button on top of the log will read Export selected and include the number of selected forms.
You can also use filters to narrow down the forms visible in the log. Click at the top right of the Forms log. Apply the filters that you'd like to use, and click Apply.
Now only forms that meet your filters can be exported, and the export button will read Export filtered and include the number of forms that apply.
If you'd like to export a report for all of your project's forms, click Export all at the top of the Forms log.
In the Forms tool, whichever way you choose to narrow down your form selection for export, you'll next be given the option to customize your form export.
There are two types of form reports available. See details and a preview of these reports in Form Reports.
Detail report
Labor summary report
Select the file format: PDF report or XLSX spreadsheet.
Choose to group by company or date.
This will export only the Work Logs in the forms you selected. Work Logs are only in forms created using templates built in the template builder. They must be defined by company, discipline, or role to be included in the report. Learn about filling out Work Logs in Create, Fill Out, and Submit Forms.
Click Export.