Unsupported Workflows

Unsupported workflows refer to actions or processes that are not officially supported or recommended by Autodesk Desktop Connector. These workflows may involve using unsupported software versions, unsupported file formats, or using features that are not compatible with Desktop Connector's intended functionality.


Engaging in unsupported workflows can lead to unpredictable behavior, data corruption, or loss of work. It is important to adhere to the Autodesk recommended practices and supported workflows to confirm you have a reliable experience with Desktop Connector.

Topics in this section

Running elevated

Important: Examples of running elevated include:
  1. If a user performs a right-click Run as Administrator action on Desktop Connector.

    Run Administrator

  2. If group policies are configured in a way to run products elevated.

  3. Desktop Connector does not support interacting with other programs which are running elevated.

For additional information refer to Desktop Connector is running elevated which is unsupported.

Editing configuration files

Long Path Workflows

Multiple Installs on One Machine

Examples of Unsupported Workflows


Related Concepts: