Docs - Manage Projects

The following video DC Video Icon will highlight some features of adding projects in Desktop Connector including the difference between versions 15.x and 16.x. Do not forget to check the details after the video. The extra content provides useful tips and problem-solving methods that might not be in the video.

Select Cloud Projects to Sync in Desktop Connector

Topics in this Section

About Adding Projects

The latest release of Desktop Connector enables you to select and add up to 80 of your BIM 360 and Autodesk Docs projects to your Autodesk Docs connector in File Explorer File Explorer Icon. By adding only the projects you need, you can better manage your local storage space.


In versions of 15.x of Desktop Connector, all projects you have access to will automatically be added to your connector.

Initial Project Selection

When you first Sign in to Desktop Connector, you will be asked to make your initial project selections.

All the projects you can access are listed in All projects.

  1. Click a hub to view the relevant projects.

  2. Select your projects (You can select up to 80 projects).

    Select Projects

  3. Click Save.

    Projects in File Explorer

    Your projects will begin adding to File Explorer.

  4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

These activities will display on the home screen.

Important: A warning message will display if your projects contain file or folder long paths as some operations will be unsupported. See the Long paths Unsupported Workflows help topic for more information.
Note: If you don't select any projects in the Select Projects dialog, then your connector will be empty in File Explorer.

Add or Remove Projects

You can add or remove projects from your Autodesk Docs connector at any time by accessing the Select Projects menu option from the home screen.

  1. Right-click the Desktop Connector tray icon DC default icon

  2. Click Select Projects.

    Select Projects

You'll see the same dialog box used for your initial project selections. You can view the following tabs:

  1. Select projects to add, or deselect projects to remove them from the Autodesk Docs connector.
Important: There are risks of deselecting a project and losing unsynced data. Refer to the section Collecting and Viewing Sync Data for additional information around deselecting projects.

If you deselect a project, the entire project including all folders and files will be removed from your local drive. However, all project data will remain in the cloud and can be selected to add to your connector at another time.
  1. Click Save.

You can view the progress of your projects, folders and files, and the home screen menu options in Docs - Home Screen and Activities.

Project Syncing Errors

Occasionally, a syncing error may occur when there is a failure to update a project's data between your connector and the cloud data source.

You will see a 'Couldn't sync project' message in the home screen.

Error Home Screen

To resolve this error:

  1. Right-click the tray icon and click Select Projects from the menu.

  2. Remove this project. See Add or Remove Projects for more information.

  3. When your project is removed, click Select Projects from the menu and add it again.

The remove and add activities will display in the home screen.

Renaming Projects and Accounts

Important: Do not rename the account or project through windows file explorer. Renaming of the account or project should be done through the Autodesk Docs web interface.
  1. Renaming of an account or a project should be done on the web interface. If the user renames the project in File Explorer the Desktop Connector can break syncing.

  2. After the accounts are renamed, users need to unselect all projects from that account then add the projects in again to see the new name in the local cache in File Explorer File Explorer Icon.

    The following steps will guide you through that process:

  1. When an account is renamed, the behavior is similar to renaming projects. Specifically:

    • Renaming accounts will result in the same actions as renaming projects.

    • To guarantee that the new name is reflected in the local workspace, it is necessary to follow the unselecting projects workflow. This workflow removes all local content associated with the account.


      Failure to unselect your projects will prevent the removal of local content and the rename will not be successful.

    • If there are any existing projects associated with the account, the account cannot be renamed.

Important: These steps apply to both 15.8 and 16.1 versions of the Desktop Connector.

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