Docs - File Naming Standard

The file naming standard is built on the foundation of the ISO 19650 series and governs the form of the file names contained in enforced folders. The naming standard is set up and applied to folders in Document Management in BIM 360 and Files in Autodesk Docs on web and consists of:

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Project admins can set naming rules for folders and create a space for files that cannot be renamed by project members.

v16.x Desktop Connector

Currently, v16.x does not display naming standard icons or enable you to use the naming validator to rename nonconforming files

Upload, rename, move a nonconforming file in an enforced folder in your connector, and the file will move to the holding area on web if it's enabled.

Project administrators can rename these files in the holding area to move them to the relevant folder on web.

v15.x Desktop Connector

Naming standard icons

In v15.x of Desktop Connector, naming standard enforced folders will display the following icon Folder Icon in File Explorer.

Nonconforming files will display an icon Warning Icon in the Status attribute column indicating that they are nonconforming.

Holding area enabled

When the holding area is enabled, nonconforming files will continue to display in the relevant enforced folder in your connector.

In Document Management in BIM 360 and the Files tool in Autodesk Docs on web, these nonconforming files won't appear in the folder until they are renamed in the holding area by a project administrator.

Rename nonconforming files

Nonconforming files can be renamed in your connector using the naming validator.

Note: You need the relevant permissions to rename a file.
  1. Right-click the nonconforming file
  2. Click Rename

The naming validator opens and displays the naming convention you need to follow to rename your file.

Naming Validator

  1. Rename the file. A green check icon Green Check Icon displays in the validator when the file name conforms.
  2. Click Apply

The file will: