Docs - Manage Files and Folders

Topics in this Section


The latest release of Desktop Connector includes many more options to manage your files and folders.

Subject to your folder permissions, you can:

Important: Before modifying files and folders in the connector, check to see if Desktop Connector is running to avoid potential syncing issues and conflicts.

Upload and Move

Drag and drop actions are supported in your connector.


Windows® users must select a project file when adding Inventor files. Refer to Inventor Troubleshooting for more information about customizing your Inventor Project file.

Files with References

In the latest release of Desktop Connector, you can choose how to handle references in design files.


Host design files can only be linked to files in the same project. Relationships to files outside the current project are not supported in Autodesk Docs. Attempting to create or resolve references to files in another project may result in an error Folder hierarchy produced invalid project.

Open and Download

Double-click a file to open. This will also make a one-time download of the file to your connector.

Note: When opening Inventor files, the default .ipj for the project is used.

Always Keep on this Device

A file or folder can be marked as always available. Marking a file or folder as Always keep on this device will immediately download the latest file versions from the cloud and will be available when Desktop Connector is in Offline Mode. Future updates to those files will automatically download until the Free up space command is run on those files.


Did you know that simply opening any file from Desktop Connector will automatically download that file. Updates to those files will continue to download whenever online changes are made until the Free up space command is run on those files.

Note: Learn more about how to manage your hard drive space with Free up space automation and Windows Storage Sense

Free up space

You can remove files manually or automatically from your connector using Free up space without affecting files in the cloud data source. For full instructions on how to use Free up space, refer to Docs - Free Up Space.


Right-click a file or folder and select Delete to delete the relevant file or folder from your connector and the cloud data source as well.

If you only want to delete files locally, right-click and use Free up space

Note: You can't delete project level folders.

Delete in Work Offline Mode

Files deleted in Work Offline mode are only removed from the connector. The file or folder deletion will not sync and they will remain in the cloud data source.

Right-click on the file or folder that you want to remove from your connector and select Delete Local. The file or folder is removed from your local connector but remains in the data source.

File Size Attribute

Native Windows Right-Click Commands

Right-click a file or folder to view all the commands available in Windows. These include:

Desktop Connector Right-Click Commands

When Desktop Connector 16.10.x and above is installed, the following commands will be available in the right-click menu.


The Desktop Connector Right-Click commands will not be shown if Desktop Connector is running elevated as this is not supported. Learn more about Unsupported Workflows

Right click on a file and choose Lock/Unlock from the Desktop Connector menu. (Shown in Windows 10)

Auto Lock Image

To access the Desktop Connector Menu in Windows 11, you will need to first choose "Show more options." Alternatively, you can hold the Shift key and right-click to get the full context menu in Explorer without having to click "Show more options."

Auto Lock Image

Moving Files and Folders between Projects

Important: Starting in version 16.1 Desktop Connector will not allow files/folders to be moved from one project to another. When a move across projects is attempted a dialog will be seen that states "An unexpected error is keeping you from copying the file.". However as an alternate solution files/folders can be copied between projects.

Ribbon Commands

You can work with the File Explorer ribbon within the Autodesk Docs connector. Select files or folders to enable more commands.

File Explorer Ribbon

You can use keywords to search across all projects or in specific projects or folders.

  1. Select:

    • The Autodesk Docs connector to search all projects
    • A specific project to limit your search to that project's folders.
    • A specific folder to refine your search to that parent folder and all subfolders.
  2. Click the search box in the top right of File Explorer.

    Search Box

  3. Enter your keyword and press enter.

    Explorer View

Your search results will display with the keyword highlighted in the files, folder, project, or path where relevant.

Resolve Invalid Folders Video Tutorial

Important: The following video DC Video Icon provides a detailed workflow on how to resolve the Invalid Folder Error in Desktop Connector. We encourage you check the details after the video. The extra content provides useful tips and problem-solving methods that might not be included in the video.

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