Embedding a Design on Your Web Page

With the embed feature, after you upload a design to Configurator 360, the design can be embedded in your own web page. You and your authorized users can view the design on your own web page instead of through the catalog in Configurator 360.

To use the embed feature:
  1. In Configurator 360, select the Options tab.
  2. In the Embedding sub tab, specify you want to embed the design in your web page.
  3. Enter the sites you want to allow your Configurator 360 design to be embedded in.
    1. Only valid URLs are accepted:
      • URLs used for debugging purposes need to use the IP address instead of localhost.
      • URLs for intranet servers need to use the IP address for the server or the fully qualified domain name instead of just the hostname.
    2. Configurator 360 uses the following rules when checking a URL to determine whether a site can embed your design:
    • Scheme must be the same (http/https).
    • Subdomain is ignored (sub.domain.com matches domain.com).
    • Top-level domain must match (mydomain.com does not match domain.com).
    • The path specified after the domain must match (domain.com/myapp/test matches domain.com/myapp, but domain.com/myapp does not match domain.com/myapptest).