Account Menus

Users can navigate through an application using different menus. Four basic menus are automatically provided with :

Each of these menus is configurable by account supervisors on the Configure Menu page. System defaults are provided for the Page Header, Main, and Bottom menus.

These menus work with user permissions to control access to the various pages of the application. Even if a user is granted permission to access any report on the account, he or she can only access a report if a link to it is included on a menu. However, a link on the menu is only visible to a user if that user has the permission to access the underlying page; so, if a link to every report is included on the Main Menu, but a user only has the permission to access a single report, only one report link is visible on the Main Menu.

The Main Menu is used to navigated between the pages of the current account and is located right above the contents of the current page.

The Main Menu options vary based on user type.

User type Available Options on Main Menu
Master User on the Service Scope links to every page accessible on the platform. links to every page accessible on the account.
Account Supervisor (in Design Mode only) links to every page accessible on the platform. links to every page accessible on the account.
Any user (in Design Mode only) links to every page accessible on the account.
Any user (not in Design Mode) Only links defined by the account supervisor. Note: The Dashboard link is available by default.

The Main Menu can also include groups of links that appear when a user hovers over the group.

Page Header Menu

The Page Header Menu is located in the upper right corner of the browser, and consists of links related to the general use of the platform, not pages specific to the current account. The system default of this menu contains the following links:

The button brings up a brief description of the current page of the account. Account supervisors can customize the Page Header Menu to display any links to account users, even those to specific account pages, but the system default will appear to any account supervisor in design mode or any master user on the service scope.

Bottom Menu

The Bottom Menu provides application links along the bottom of the application window. As in the case of the Page Header Menu, the Bottom Menu can technically contain links to account-specific pages, but this is best left to the Main Menu. The bottom menu is designed to serve informational pages or external links. The system default which appears to master users on the service scope or an account supervisor in design mode, contains a link to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. This system admin view of the bottom menu cannot be modified.

For account users, however, the Bottom Menu is unpopulated. Account supervisors may choose to add links here to external pages such as their own customer or dealer network terms, informational pages, or company websites.

Mobile App Menu

As discussed on the Mobile Applications page, an account can be configured to allow a degree of access using Fusion Connect's mobile application. The Mobile App Menu is the main menu for the account on the mobile application, and is used to navigate to every page on the mobile application. Unlike the Main Menu, menu items cannot be organized into groups, so the Mobile App Menu structure is completely flat. There is no system default for the Mobile App Menu, as there are no pages accessible on the mobile application that are not account-specific, nor is there a service scope for master users or a design mode for account supervisors. As a result, this menu begins completely empty, and account supervisors must add items to the menu for the mobile application to not be completely empty.