The Gauges view type represents data visually in the form of real-world instrumentation. This view type can assume the Report Page and API designations, and functions identically for both designations.
Each result of the data query appears in a row guide to the left of the report, which uses an icon, label, and description to identify each result. You can click on each entry in the row guide to select an individual query result, and the gauges will change to reflect the values of the selected row. There are five types of gauges, each of which is shown in the screenshot below: thermometer, speedometer, barometer, cylinder, and linear.
There is no difference in functionality between each gauge type, only a difference in appearance. Each gauge contains three pieces of information in addition to its type of visualization: Caption, the title of that individual gauge; Lower Limit, the smallest value that can be displayed on the gauge; and Upper Limit, the largest value that the gauge can display.
If the value of the field mapped to a gauge is smaller than the lower limit, the gauge appears completely empty, and vice versa for the upper limit. The raw number value represented by the gauge appears in the bottom right of the gauge block.