In ESTmep, a Quick Access Toolbar (QAT) provides easy access to frequently used commands. This toolbar can be customized to provide quick access to commands you use the most.
The Quick Access Toolbar can be displayed either above or below the ribbon's default location, near the top of the application window.
Add Commands to the Quick Access Toolbar
To add a command to the Quick Access toolbar, right-click on the ribbon button and click Add to Quick Access Toolbar.
Move the Quick Access Toolbar
To place (dock) the Quick Access Toolbar either above or below the ribbon, click the small down arrow button on the right side of the QAT and clicking Show Above Ribbon or Show Below Ribbon.
Remove a Command From the Quick Access Toolbar
In the Quick Access toolbar, right-click the command you want to remove and click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar. This command also works for removing the vertical separator lines between commands.
Add Separator
If desired, you can add a vertical line that separates, or helps to distinguish individual commands on the Quick Access Toolbar. To add such a separator, right-click on a command on the Quick Access Toolbar, and select Add Separator. The vertical line is added to the right of the command. Remove a separator line by right-clicking on it and selecting Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
Show Above\Below the Ribbon
To display the Quick Access Toolbar above or below the ribbon, click the small drop-down arrow button located on the right side of the Quick Access Toolbar, and select Show Above the Ribbon or Show Below the Ribbon.