Add Spool Dimensions

The CADmep Add Spool Dimension (SPOOLDIM) command lets you add dimensions to spool drawings quickly. Once the dimension points have been chosen, the <N> (Next) feature allows the dimension to be positioned in each of the X,Y,Z planes.

    To add spool dimensions:

  1. Create the spool drawing with the required section of pipe/duct-work
  2. Set the required AutoCAD OSNAP settings.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • At the command line, type SPOOLDIM and then press Enter.
    • In the CADmep toolbar, click Add Spool Dimension in the Spool Tools flyout menu.
  4. Select the first and second extension line origin.
  5. The command line prompts for the dimension line location, and offers Rotate Text/Next options.
  6. Select <N> to rotate the dimension around any valid X,Y - X,Z - Y,Z positions.
  7. Select<R> to rotate the dimension text.
  8. Left-click to finalize the dimension line location.

Moving Dimensions in Paper Space

Note: Depending on orientation of the UCS, if you are not able to move an existing dimension, do the following:
  1. At the command line, type UCS and press Enter.

  2. At the command line, type e and press REnter.
  3. Select the dimension you want to move.
  4. The dimension can now be moved.