Edit the Product List

In the item creation process, once the basic geometry and dimensions of the part have been specified, the next step is to edit the product list. This process assumes that you have the necessary part data from the part manufacturer's source data, typically formatted as a table in a spreadsheet file.

The Catalogue's product list is used to fill in the item's dimension parameters and/or select the item's option parameters. The data that is added to create the product list (i.e. part sizes, dimensions and option parameters) should be obtained from the manufacturer of the part you wish to create. You can also add more parameters to the product list, such as Weight, Code and Database ID.

Note: The steps below describe how to edit the product list for a 90 degree elbow pipework item. For a different item, the options specified would be very different.

To edit the product list for this new 90 degree elbow part:

  1. On the Takeoff dialog, click the Edit Product List icon located next to the Catalog drop-down list to display the Edit Product List dialog.
  2. Click New to display the Add Column dialog.
  3. Click the Select Which drop-down list, and select D1) Diameter, and then click OK. The D1) Diameter column is added to the Edit Product List dialog.
  4. Add the D9) Btm Length and D10) Top Length sizes to the Product List. Note that these parameters are locked and therefore, cannot be selected in the drop-down list.
  5. Click the New icon again, and repeat this same process for the following parameters in the Column Types drop-down list:
    • Weight
    • Order
    • Id

    Once these 3 columns listed above have been added to the Edit Product List dialog, then all necessary columns have been added to the Product List for this particular example (90 degree elbow part).

    Note: Use the Column Type to specify which parameter the data will affect. Available types are:
    • Alias: Fills in the items alias.
    • Area: Specifies the area of the item.
    • Bought Out: Specifies whether or not to include the price.
    • CAD Block: Used to add custom geometry.
    • Dimension: Allows dimension parameters to be specified.
    • Flow: Specifies the flow rate of the item.
    • Id.: Specifies the Database ID which is used to link to Mapprod.
    • Model: Used to add model geometry.
    • Option: Allows option parameters to be specified.
    • Order: Can contain any input but designed to list the manufacturer's product code.
    • Weight: Specifies the item's weight.

    The next step is to copy size data from the part manufacturer's literature into the Product List table using the Edit Product List dialog.

  6. Create a product data table, as an external spreadsheet file, using information supplied by part manufacturer literature. The order of the columns in the table should match the order of the same information in the Edit Product List dialog.
  7. Open the manufacturer literature and copy/paste the manufacturer data into the table.
  8. Specify values for Order and Weight according to manufacturer literature.
  9. Specify a unique Id for each entry in the Product List.
    Note: Make sure a unique Id is specified for each item size in the Product List (no duplicate Ids).
  10. To move this data into the Autodesk Fabrication product, select the data in the table and copy.
  11. In the Autodesk Fabrication product, right-click on a blank area in the Edit Product List dialog, and select Paste.
  12. Verify that the information was added correctly, then close the Edit Product List dialog.
  13. Notice that the part data is now displayed in the Takeoff dialog.
  14. Click the small arrow on the Catalog drop-down list to display the list of sizes now available for this part.
  15. Leave the Takeoff dialog open.

The next step in creating this item (90 degree elbow part) is to configure connectors.