Design Line Terminal Styles

Terminal Styles are used to automate end of line scenarios using Design Line technology. The custom Terminal Style on the button acts as a preference for how the line should Fill when placing down on to the active Design Line.

Within the Button Properties dialog (Right click on the button select Button Properties), we are able to allocate the Terminal Fitting type as shown below. When the button is placed onto the Design Line, this indicates to the Design Line Fill routine, that the button is to be used at the End of Line and will apply the Terminal style as its behavior. The style can be configured and is where you can preference the scenarios you require. For example: Whether to flex through the bend or the maximum flex to be used for the connection to grill box.

Using Terminal styles, we can ensure control over these parameters and customise from within the Setup Services database.

Clicking the Setup Services database and the selecting the Terminals tab details the available styles currently in the database.

Selecting the icon, allows creation of a custom style.

New Terminal Style dialog

The Flex up to 1m Terminal style shown in this Help Topic has applied up to 1m of flex in the Style editor but stops at the bend due to the option Flex Instead of Bends being disabled. Shown at annotation 1 in the below image.

The VCDinline+Handle button code applied to the From Run section applies the VCD at the branch start point. Shown as number 2 in the image below. Had the button code been placed in the 'At Terminal' section, the equipment would of been placed after the flex but before the grill box.