Opus Command Shortcuts

Below is a list of the drawing commands and shortcut commands that can be used within the Opus drawing program in CAMduct.

When using the commands, it is a best practice to view what is displayed in the Status message area of the CAMduct application window interface. This is located in the bottom left corner of the CAMduct application window. The information displayed in the Status message area helps you understand the next action that is required when running a command.

ALIGN (AL): Align


ARC (A): Arcs

ARCCSE (ACSE): Arc - Center, Start, End

ARCSCE (ASCE): Arc - Start, Center, End

ARCSEC (ASEC): Arc - Start, End, Center

ARCSEM (ASEM): Arc - Start, End, Middle

ARRAY (AR): Array - Rectangular

ARRAYPOLAR (ARP): Array - Polar

BASEQTY (QTY): Development Base Quantity

BREAK (BR): Break

CHAMFER (CHA): Chamfer - Distance + Distance

CHAMFERANGLE (CHANG): Chamfer - Distance + Angle

CIRCCUT (CC): Cut Out - Round

CIRCLE (C): Circle

COPY (CO): Copy Object(s)

COPYCLIP (COC): Copy to Clipboard

COPYCLIPBP (CCBP): Copy with Base Point

CUTCLIP (CU): Cut to Clipboard

CUTCLIPBP (CUBP): Cut with Base Point

DELETE (DEL): Delete Object(s)

DELREFPTS (DRP): Reference Points - Delete All

DIMALIGNED (DAL): Dimension Aligned

DIMANGULAR (DAN): Dimension Angular

DIMDIAMETER (DIA): Dimension Diameter

DIMLABEL (DLB): Dimension - Label

DIMLINEAR (DLN): Dimension Linear

DIMORDINATE (DOR : Dimension - Ordinate

DIMRADIAL (DRD): Dimension Radial

DISTANCE (D): Distance


DYNAMICRULER (DR): Toggle Dynamic Ruler

ELLIPSE (EL): Ellipse

ERASE (E): Delete Object(s)

EXTEND (EX): Extend

FILLET (F): Fillet Extend

FILLETJN (FJ): Fillet Junction (pt)

GRID (G): Grid Spacing

GRIDDISPLAY (GD): Pick Grid Display Components (Points/Lines/Pattern)

GRIPS (GR): Toggle Drag Grips

GROW (GW): Grow

HELP (?): Displays the list of commands.

IMPORTITEM (II): Import Items

IMPORTVECTOR (IV): Import an Image to Vector

INSPOINT (IP): Insertion Point

ITEMPASTE (IPST): Paste to New Item (Saves Pasted entities to an Item File)

ITEMPROP (IP): Item Properties

JUNCNOTCH (JN): Junction Notch

LAYMCH (LA): Assign Island to the Current Layer

LENGTH (LN): Length

LINE (L): Lines

MARKER (MK): Reference Points (Marker)

MARKINGTEXT (MT): Marking / Printing Text

MIRROR (MI): Mirror

MODIFYTEXT (MT): Modify Text (Applies to Marking, Dimension Text (Labels), and Notes only)

MOVE (M): Move Objects

NODESTRETCH (NSTR): Drag Multiple Nodes

OBJECT (OBJ): Displays the Object(s) dialog

OFFSET (O): Offset Distance

OFFSETPOINT (OP): Offset - To Point

OPUS (OS): Opus 5

PAN (P): Pan View

PARTNOTES (PN): Part Notes Text

PARTPASTE (PP): Paste to New Part

PASTECLIP (PC): Paste from the Clipboard

PERP: Perpindicular

PIERCE (PI): Pierce

PROFILER (PR): Profiler

RECTANG (REC): Rectangle

RECTCUT (RC): Rectangular Cut Out

RECTNOTCH (RN): Rectangular Notch

REFPOINT (RP): Create a Reference Point

REGEN (RG): Regenerate all Graphics

REPAIR (REP): Repair

ROTATE (RO): Rotate Objects

SCALE (SC): Scale


SELECTINV (SELI): Invert Selection


SETTINGS: Edit / View 3D Viewer Settings

SLICE (SL): Profiler Slice

SLIT: Slit

SLOTHOLE (SH): Slotted Hole

STRETCH (S): Stretch

SUMMARY (SUM): Summary

SVEENOTCH (SVN): Sloping Vee Notch

TAGNOTCH (TN): Tag Notch

TRIM (TR): Trim Marking

TRUETYPE (TT): True Type Text

UNDO (U): Undo last change

VEENOTCH (VN): Vee Notch

ZOOMTOFIT (ZF): Zoom to Fit Current View in Window

ZOOMTOSELECT (ZS): Zoom to Selected Item(s)

ZOOMTOWINDOW (ZW): Zoom to Selected Region