Manual nesting can be used to completely nest all parts, or to adjust and modify an automatically nested job prior to writing NC. The Manual Nesting feature gives total control over the way parts are arranged on the sheet material. It also includes profiling options that can be applied to an entire sheet, rather than just to individual parts.
To use Manual Nesting:
This dialog displays each time a new material and gauge combination is encountered.
The Manual Nest dialog, similar to what is shown below, displays. This dialog includes four main components: Parts, Sheet Control Centre, Sheet Display and Menus & Shortcut Keys.
Parts: The top section of the Manual Nest dialog displays the parts that are to be nested on the material and gauge displayed in the sheet control centre.
The number in the top left corner of each part is the part number. The number below the part is the blank size (smallest bounding rectangle) and the blue number in the bottom right corner is the quantity of that particular part left to nest.
Before the part has been nested on a sheet, it is displayed as below.
When a part is nested onto the sheet, the display changes to reflect this.
The quantity has been adjusted and a blue cross indicates that no more developments of this part are available to nest.
Only Show Remaining Parts
Within Manual Nest, click View
Only Show Remaining Parts. When this option is selected, rather than placing a cross through the part, it will be removed from the Parts sections altogether, therefore only showing the remaining parts.
Right-click Menu
It is also possible to right-click on any of the parts to display the following menu.
Sheet Control Centre Toolbar
The Sheet Control Centre toolbar can be either docked, or floating. It can also be toggled on (displayed) and off (hidden) by clicking View
Sheet Control Centre.
Material and Gauge: The drop-down menu on the left displays the material and gauge currently being nested. To change this, click on the drop-down menu and it will display all of the material and gauge combinations used in the job.
Sheets: The central drop-down menu displays all of the sheets created for a particular material and gauge combination. It displays the sheet size and the percentage of the sheet currently being used. To change the sheet being displayed, click on the drop-down menu and select a different sheet. The list of sheets will only be those relevant to the material and gauge selected above.
New: Creates a new sheet to the default sheet size. This sheet will be the same material and gauge as that selected above.
: Modifies the displayed sheet's size and can be used to set a multiple torch configuration for the displayed sheet only. Changes can only be made to a sheet if it is empty.
: Removes all parts currently nested on the displayed sheet. The sheet itself is not deleted.
: Deletes the displayed sheet from the job.
Sheet Display
The largest section at the Manual Nesting dialog displays a graphical representation of the sheet to be nested on.
Manual Nesting Dialog Features
Placing Parts on a Sheet
This allows the user to enter a value to define the default snap angle when rotating.
Menus and Shortcut Keys
The following menu options are relevant to Manual Nesting only: Selection, Operation, Tools, Sheet and View.
Selection: The selection menu includes certain operations that can also be accessed using the keyboard. The keyboard shortcuts are listed next to the function name. The standard Windows Cut, Copy and Paste commands are available.
Operation: The Operation menu provides access to the following options related to manual nest modes.
Edit: Click Operation
Edit, or click on the Edit icon
This is the default mode, all operations connected with moving parts, placing parts, flipping parts etc. are performed while in Edit mode.
Simple Cut Order: This enables the cut order for the sheet to be altered on a part-by-part basis. To use this option. Click Operation
Simple Cut Order, or select the Simple Cut Order icon
. Left click on the green squares in the order of the parts to be cut. If the cut order needs to be determined from an existing number onwards, right-click on the number to be the next assigned. This will activate that number as the current one. For example, if 1 - 4 were in the correct order but 5, 6 and 7 needed modifying, right-click the existing number 5, which turns that number yellow, then left click the new number 5 to reassign. Further left clicks will assign 6 and 7.
Advanced Cut Order: Click Operation
Advanced Cut Order, or click on the Advanced Cut Order icon
. This allows the cut order for the sheet to be altered on a cut-by-cut basis. Each individual cut has a separate number which can be reassigned using the method detailed above.
Chain Cut:
This mode enables parts to be cut in one continuous torch activation, the purpose of which is to minimise pierce points. To place a chain cut, click and drag from one island to another.
Chained cuts will, in general, only cut around half of one part before moving on to the next. The cut will return to finish the part after cutting any parts that are chained to it. The system will try to calculate the optimum cut path based on lead positions and on the parts that are chained or bridged together.
Bridge Cut
: Similarly to the chain cut option, this also allows for parts to be cut with a continuous torch activation. A bridge cut will cut an entire part before cutting a path to the next part. This characteristic of bridge cuts means that only two parts can be bridged together. To connect more than two parts, a chain cut is used. The main purpose of bridging is that it can be used to terminate the end of a chained run so that the cut can turn around.
Placing bridge cuts works in exactly the same way as chain cuts. Once placed, both can be modified by right- clicking on the small yellow start/end square.
Leadins: This option allows for leads on the nested parts to be re-positioned.
The grey circle indicates the current lead position. To move a lead-in;
Moving the mouse over the lead will display the cut direction indicator (blue) and the alternate cut path indicator (black). It is possible to alter the direction that the part will be cut.
It is also possible to view and change the lead style applied;
Stitching: This option can be used to stitch parts to the sheet on a part by part basis. To perform this operation, click and drag a selection box around parts to be auto stitched, then right click to display the dialog.
Stitches are shown by black dashes around the island. It is also possible to manually stitch any part.
To set the length of these stitches, click Operation
Tool Options and alter the stitch values there and then click OK.
Sheet Cut Rail: This option allows the user to place a cut along the rail axis of the machine, select this option.
Sheet Cut Beam: This option works in the same way as the option above, but in the Beam Axis
Zoom: This option activates the mouse zoom mode. Left click to zoom in on the cursor position, right-click to zoom out or click and drag a box to zoom on the selected area.
Ruler: The ruler is a rough guide to distances on the sheet. Click Operation
Ruler, or click on the Ruler icon, then click and hold the mouse button to measure between two points. This method of measuring is not accurate in that no definite points can be designated to measure either to or from.
Tool Options: The options available here will depend on which mode the operations menu is in. For example, if the Bridge or Chain Cutting is selected, the tool options will allow the user to set the lead in style. If Stitching is selected, the tool options will allow the user to set the length of the stitches.
Tools: The Tools menu offers the user further options.
Select Machine for NC: This option is used to determine which machine to be used when writing the NC code. The * symbol indicates that this is the default machine.
Outer / Inner / Central: This option highlights the corresponding island types on the nest.
View: The View menu can be used to toggle On/Off display dialogs within manual nesting. It also contains the zoom menu. Zoom commands can also be activated using F3 (Zoom In), F4 (Zoom Out), and F5 (Zoom Extents).