The Copy with Base Point command allows the user to copy an object to the clipboard. This can then be used later in the same drawing, an existing drawing, or a new drawing. This is different than the Copy Object(s) command which has different functionality.
The Copy with Base Point command is selected from the Edit menu (Edit
Copy with Base Point) or by selecting the Copy with Base Point Icon
under the Copy Icon
from the Edit toolbar or by typing COPYCLIPBP into the program. Opus also supports the Windows shortcut of CTRL +SHIFT + C for copying selected elements.
Using Copy with Base Point can be done in 2 ways. If Copy with Base Point is chosen, with no elements selected in the drawing, you will be prompted to select the objects that you wish to copy.
Select the objects you wish to copy, and then right-click or press the Enter key to apply. Next you are prompted to select a base point.
The point selected will be the reference point used when the part is pasted back and will be positioned relative to the base point selected in the drawing.
If the objects have been selected and the Copy with Base Point command is chosen, then the objects are copied immediately.
Copied objects are stored in the clipboard and can be pasted back into the same drawing, another development, or into a new drawing. The objects copied will remain in the clipboard until replaced by another Copy command or a Cut command. Objects in the clipboard can be pasted into a drawing multiple times.