Arc3D.createByCenter Method

Parent Object: Arc3D
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Geometry/Arc3D.h>


Creates a transient 3D arc object by specifying a center point and radius.


This is a static method.

returnValue = adsk.core.Arc3D.createByCenter(center, normal, referenceVector, radius, startAngle, endAngle)
This is a static method.

#include <Core/Geometry/Arc3D.h>

returnValue = adsk::core::Arc3D::createByCenter(center, normal, referenceVector, radius, startAngle, endAngle);

Return Value

Type Description
Arc3D Returns the newly created arc or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
center Point3D The center point of the arc.
normal Vector3D The normal vector of the arc. The plane perpendicular to this normal at the center point is the plane of the arc.
referenceVector Vector3D A reference vector from which the start and end angles are measured from. This vector must be perpendicular to the normal vector.
radius double The radius of the arc.
startAngle double The start angle in radians. This angle is measured from the reference vector using the right hand rule around the normal vector.
endAngle double The end angle in radians. This angle is measured from the reference vector using the right hand rule around the normal vector.


Introduced in version August 2014