CustomGraphicsGroups.add Method

Parent Object: CustomGraphicsGroups
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsGroups.h>


Creates a new, empty CustomGraphicsGroup.


"customGraphicsGroups_var" is a variable referencing a CustomGraphicsGroups object.
returnValue = customGraphicsGroups_var.add()
"customGraphicsGroups_var" is a variable referencing a CustomGraphicsGroups object.

#include <Fusion/Graphics/CustomGraphicsGroups.h>

returnValue = customGraphicsGroups_var->add();

Return Value

Type Description
CustomGraphicsGroup Returns the new CustomGraphicsGroup object or null in the case of a failure.


Name Description
Custom Graphics Sample

A sample demonstrating how to create custom graphics entities.

To use the sample, create a new Python or C++ script and copy and paste this code, replacing the default code. You also need to unpack this zip file which contains a resource folder into the same folder where the source code file (.py or .cpp) is.

Selection Events API Sample The sample demos how to use selection events of a command.


Introduced in version September 2017