ExtrudeFeatureInput.setOneSideExtent Method

Parent Object: ExtrudeFeatureInput
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeatureInput.h>


Defines the extrusion to go in one direction from the profile. The extent of the extrusion is defined by the extent argument.


"extrudeFeatureInput_var" is a variable referencing an ExtrudeFeatureInput object.
# Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeatureInput_var.setOneSideExtent(extent, direction)

# Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeatureInput_var.setOneSideExtent(extent, direction, taperAngle)
"extrudeFeatureInput_var" is a variable referencing an ExtrudeFeatureInput object.

#include <Fusion/Features/ExtrudeFeatureInput.h>

// Uses no optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeatureInput_var->setOneSideExtent(extent, direction);

// Uses optional arguments.
returnValue = extrudeFeatureInput_var->setOneSideExtent(extent, direction, taperAngle);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true is setting the input to a one sided extent was successful.


Name Type Description
extent ExtentDefinition An ExtentDefinition object that defines how the extent of the extrusion is defined. This can be a specified distance (DistanceExtentDefinition), to an entity (ToEntityExtent), or through-all (AllExtentDefinition). These objects can be obtained by using the static create method on the appropriate class.
direction ExtentDirections Specifies the direction of the extrusion. PositiveExtentDirection and NegativeExtentDirection are valid values. PositiveExtentDirection is in the same direction as the normal of the profile's parent sketch plane.
taperAngle ValueInput Optional argument that specifies the taper angle. If omitted a taper angle of 0 is used.

This is an optional argument whose default value is null.


Name Description
Extrude Feature API Sample Demonstrates creating a new extrude feature.
extrudeFeatures.add using setOneSideExtent Demonstrates the extrudeFeatures.add method using the setOneSideExtent method. To use this sample have a design open that contains a sketch with a profile. When you run the script you will be prompted to select the profile that will be used to create the extrusion.
extrudeFeatures.add using ThroughAllExtent Demonstrates the extrudeFeatures.add method using the ThroughAllExtent method.
Manage Participant Bodies API Sample Demonstrates how to manage participant During Cut operation. Same API can be used to manage participants During intersection also.


Introduced in version November 2016