Features Object

Derived from: Base Object
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/Features.h>


The features collection which provides access to all existing features. This collection provides direct access to all features regardless of type. It also provides access to type specific collections where you can get features of a specific type and also create new features of that type.


Name Description
classType Static function that all classes support that returns the type of the class as a string. The returned string matches the string returned by the objectType property. For example if you have a reference to an object and you want to check if it's a SketchLine you can use myObject.objectType == fusion.SketchLine.classType().
createPath Method that creates a Path used to define the shape of a Sweep feature. A Path is a contiguous set of curves that can be a combination of sketch curves and model edges.
item Function that returns the specified feature using an index into the collection.
itemByName Function that returns the specified feature using the name of the feature.


Name Description
arrangeFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the Arrange features within the component and supports the creation of new Arrange features.
baseFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing base features and supports the creation of new base features. A base feature represents a body that is non-parametric.
bossFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the boss features within the component and supports the creation of new boss features.
boundaryFillFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Boundary Fill features within the component and supports the creation of new Boundary Fill features.
boxFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing box features.
chamferFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the chamfer features within the component and supports the creation of new chamfer features.
circularPatternFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the circular pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new circular pattern features.
coilFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Coil Primitive features within the component.
combineFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the combine features within the component and supports the creation of new combine features.
copyPasteBodies Returns the collection that provides access to the existing copy-paste features and supports the creation of new copy-paste features.
count Returns the number of bodies in the collection.
customFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the custom features within the component and supports the creation of new custom features.
cutPasteBodies Returns the collection that provides access to the existing cut-paste features and supports the creation of new cut-paste features.
cylinderFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing cylinder features.
deleteFaceFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Delete Face features.
draftFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the draft features within the component and supports the creation of new draft features.
extendFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Extend features within the component and supports the creation of new Extend features.
extrudeFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the extrude features within the component and supports the creation of new extrude features.
filletFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the fillet features within the component and supports the creation of new fillet features.
flangeFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing flange features.
formFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing form features.
holeFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the hole features within the component and supports the creation of new hole features.
isValid Indicates if this object is still valid, i.e. hasn't been deleted or some other action done to invalidate the reference.
loftFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing loft features and supports the creation of new loft features.
mergeFacesFeatures Returns the collection object that supports the ability to merge faces. Merging faces is currently limited to a Direct Modeling design or a body in a base feature. The result of merging faces is a direct B-Rep modification, and the change is not represented as a feature in the browser.
meshCombineFaceGroupsFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh combine face groups features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh combine face groups features.
meshCombineFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh combine features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh combine features.
meshGenerateFaceGroupsFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh generate facegroup features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh generate facegroup features.
meshReduceFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh reduce features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh reduce features.
meshRemeshFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh remesh features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh remesh features.
meshRepairFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh repair features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh repair features.
meshShellFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh shell features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh shell features.
meshSmoothFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the mesh smooth features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh smooth features.
mirrorFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the mirror features within the component and supports the creation of new mirror features.
moveFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Move features within the component and supports the creation of new Move features.
objectType This property is supported by all objects in the API and returns a string that contains the full name (namespace::objecttype) describing the type of the object.

It's often useful to use this in combination with the classType method to see if an object is a certain type. For example: if obj.objectType == adsk.core.Point3D.classType():
offsetFacesFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Offset Face features.
offsetFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Offset features within the component and supports the creation of new Offset features.
patchFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Patch features within the component and supports the creation of new Patch features.
pathPatternFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the path pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new path pattern features.
pipeFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing pipe features.
rectangularPatternFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the rectangular pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new rectangular pattern features.
refoldFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing refold features.
removeFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Remove features within the component and supports the creation of new Remove features.
replaceFaceFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the replaceFace features within the component and supports the creation of new replaceFace features.
reverseNormalFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Reverse Normal features within the component and supports the creation of new Reverse Normal features.
revolveFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the revolve features within the component and supports the creation of new revolved features.
ribFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing rib features.
ripFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Rip features.
ruledSurfaceFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Ruled Surface features within the component and supports the creation of new Ruled Surface features.
ruleFilletFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing form features.
scaleFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the scale features within the component and supports the creation of new scale features.
shellFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the shell features within the component and supports the creation of new shell features.
silhouetteSplitFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Parting Line Split features within the component and supports the creation of new Parting Line Split features
sphereFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing sphere features.
splitBodyFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the SplitBody features within the component and supports the creation of new SplitBody features
splitFaceFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the SplitFace features within the component and supports the creation of new SplitFace features
stitchFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Stitch features within the component and supports the creation of new Stitch features.
surfaceDeleteFaceFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Surface Delete Face features.
sweepFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the sweep features within the component and supports the creation of new sweep features.
tessellateFeatures PreviewReturns the collection that provides access to the tessellate features within the component and supports the creation of new tessellate features.
thickenFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Thicken features within the component and supports the creation of new Thicken features.
threadFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the thread features within the component and supports the creation of new thread features.
torusFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing torus features.
trimFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Trim features within the component and supports the creation of new Trim features.
unfoldFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing unfold features.
unstitchFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Unstitch features within the component and supports the creation of new Unstitch features.
untrimFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the Untrim features within the component and supports the creation of new Untrim features.
webFeatures Returns the collection that provides access to the existing web features.

Accessed From

Component.features, FlatPatternComponent.features


Name Description
Loft Feature API Sample Demonstrates creating a new loft feature.
Patch Feature API Sample Demonstrates creating a new patch feature.


Introduced in version August 2014