arrangeFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Arrange features within the component and supports the creation of new Arrange features. |
baseFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing base features and supports the creation of new base features. A base feature represents a body that is non-parametric. |
bossFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the boss features within the component and supports the creation of new boss features. |
boundaryFillFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Boundary Fill features within the component and supports the creation of new Boundary Fill features. |
boxFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing box features. |
chamferFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the chamfer features within the component and supports the creation of new chamfer features. |
circularPatternFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the circular pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new circular pattern features. |
coilFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Coil Primitive features within the component. |
combineFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the combine features within the component and supports the creation of new combine features. |
copyPasteBodies |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing copy-paste features and supports the creation of new copy-paste features. |
count |
Returns the number of bodies in the collection. |
customFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the custom features within the component and supports the creation of new custom features. |
cutPasteBodies |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing cut-paste features and supports the creation of new cut-paste features. |
cylinderFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing cylinder features. |
deleteFaceFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Delete Face features. |
draftFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the draft features within the component and supports the creation of new draft features. |
extendFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Extend features within the component and supports the creation of new Extend features. |
extrudeFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the extrude features within the component and supports the creation of new extrude features. |
filletFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the fillet features within the component and supports the creation of new fillet features. |
flangeFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing flange features. |
formFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing form features. |
holeFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the hole features within the component and supports the creation of new hole features. |
isValid |
Indicates if this object is still valid, i.e. hasn't been deleted or some other action done to invalidate the reference. |
loftFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing loft features and supports the creation of new loft features. |
mergeFacesFeatures |
Returns the collection object that supports the ability to merge faces. Merging faces is currently limited to a Direct Modeling design or a body in a base feature. The result of merging faces is a direct B-Rep modification, and the change is not represented as a feature in the browser. |
meshCombineFaceGroupsFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh combine face groups features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh combine face groups features. |
meshCombineFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh combine features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh combine features. |
meshGenerateFaceGroupsFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh generate facegroup features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh generate facegroup features. |
meshReduceFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh reduce features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh reduce features. |
meshRemeshFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh remesh features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh remesh features. |
meshRepairFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh repair features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh repair features. |
meshShellFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh shell features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh shell features. |
meshSmoothFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mesh smooth features within the component and supports the creation of new mesh smooth features. |
mirrorFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the mirror features within the component and supports the creation of new mirror features. |
moveFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Move features within the component and supports the creation of new Move features. |
objectType |
This property is supported by all objects in the API and returns a string that contains the full name (namespace::objecttype) describing the type of the object.
It's often useful to use this in combination with the classType method to see if an object is a certain type. For example: if obj.objectType == adsk.core.Point3D.classType(): |
offsetFacesFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Offset Face features. |
offsetFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Offset features within the component and supports the creation of new Offset features. |
patchFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Patch features within the component and supports the creation of new Patch features. |
pathPatternFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the path pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new path pattern features. |
pipeFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing pipe features. |
rectangularPatternFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the rectangular pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new rectangular pattern features. |
refoldFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing refold features. |
removeFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Remove features within the component and supports the creation of new Remove features. |
replaceFaceFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the replaceFace features within the component and supports the creation of new replaceFace features. |
reverseNormalFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Reverse Normal features within the component and supports the creation of new Reverse Normal features. |
revolveFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the revolve features within the component and supports the creation of new revolved features. |
ribFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing rib features. |
ripFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Rip features. |
ruledSurfaceFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Ruled Surface features within the component and supports the creation of new Ruled Surface features. |
ruleFilletFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing form features. |
scaleFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the scale features within the component and supports the creation of new scale features. |
shellFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the shell features within the component and supports the creation of new shell features. |
silhouetteSplitFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Parting Line Split features within the component and supports the creation of new Parting Line Split features |
sphereFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing sphere features. |
splitBodyFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the SplitBody features within the component and supports the creation of new SplitBody features |
splitFaceFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the SplitFace features within the component and supports the creation of new SplitFace features |
stitchFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Stitch features within the component and supports the creation of new Stitch features. |
surfaceDeleteFaceFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing Surface Delete Face features. |
sweepFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the sweep features within the component and supports the creation of new sweep features. |
tessellateFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the tessellate features within the component and supports the creation of new tessellate features. |
thickenFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Thicken features within the component and supports the creation of new Thicken features. |
threadFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the thread features within the component and supports the creation of new thread features. |
torusFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing torus features. |
trimFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Trim features within the component and supports the creation of new Trim features. |
unfoldFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing unfold features. |
unstitchFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Unstitch features within the component and supports the creation of new Unstitch features. |
untrimFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the Untrim features within the component and supports the creation of new Untrim features. |
webFeatures |
Returns the collection that provides access to the existing web features. |