Features.rectangularPatternFeatures Property

Parent Object: Features
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/Features.h>


Returns the collection that provides access to the rectangular pattern features within the component and supports the creation of new rectangular pattern features.


"features_var" is a variable referencing a Features object.

# Get the value of the property.
propertyValue = features_var.rectangularPatternFeatures
"features_var" is a variable referencing a Features object.
#include <Fusion/Features/Features.h>

// Get the value of the property.
Ptr<RectangularPatternFeatures> propertyValue = features_var->rectangularPatternFeatures();

Property Value

This is a read only property whose value is a RectangularPatternFeatures.


Name Description
Manage Participant Bodies API Sample Demonstrates how to manage participant During Cut operation. Same API can be used to manage participants During intersection also.
rectangularPattern.add Demonstrates the rectangularPattern.add method using a selected body and two selected edges to define the directions.
RectangularPattern Feature Demonstrates creating a new rectangular pattern feature.


Introduced in version November 2014