FilletFeatureInput.addVariableRadiusEdgeSet Method

Parent Object: FilletFeatureInput
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Features/FilletFeatureInput.h>


This function is retired. See more information in the 'Remarks' section below.

Adds a single edge or set of tangent edges along with variable radius information to this input.


This method is obsolete. You should now use the methods on the EdgeSetInputs objects to define new fillets.


"filletFeatureInput_var" is a variable referencing a FilletFeatureInput object.
returnValue = filletFeatureInput_var.addVariableRadiusEdgeSet(tangentEdges, startRadius, endRadius, positions, radii)
"filletFeatureInput_var" is a variable referencing a FilletFeatureInput object.

#include <Fusion/Features/FilletFeatureInput.h>

returnValue = filletFeatureInput_var->addVariableRadiusEdgeSet(tangentEdges, startRadius, endRadius, positions, radii);

Return Value

Type Description
boolean Returns true if the edge set was successfully added to the FilletFeatureInput.


Name Type Description
tangentEdges ObjectCollection An object collection containing a single edge or multiple edges. Multiple edges must be tangentially connected and added to the collection in order.
startRadius ValueInput A ValueInput object that defines the starting radius of the fillet. If a single edge is being filleted, the start radius is at the start end of the edge. If multiple tangent edges are being filleted the start radius is the open end of the first edge in the collection.

If the ValueInput uses a real then it is interpreted as centimeters. If it is a string then the units can be defined as part of the string (i.e. "2 in") or if no units are specified it is interpreted using the current default units for length.
endRadius ValueInput A ValueInput object that defines the ending radius of the fillet. If a single edge is being filleted, the end radius is at the end of the edge. If multiple tangent edges are being filleted the end radius is the open end of the last edge in the collection. If the ValueInput uses a real then it is interpreted as centimeters. If it is a string then the units can be defined as part of the string (i.e. "2 in") or if no units are specified it is interpreted using the current default units for length.
positions ValueInput[] An array of ValueInput objects that defines the positions of any additional radii along the edge(s). The value must be between 0 and 1 and defines the percentage along the curve where a radius is defined. The value is unitless. This array must have the same number of values as the array passed in for the radii argument.
radii ValueInput[] An array of ValueInput objects that define the radii at positions along the edge(s). This array must have the same number of values as the array passed in for the positions argument. If the ValueInput uses a real then it is interpreted as centimeters. If it is a string then the units can be defined as part of the string (i.e. "2 in"). If no units are specified it will be interpreted using the current default units for length.


Introduced in version November 2014
Retired in version November 2022