MaterialLibraries.load Method

Parent Object: MaterialLibraries
Defined in namespace "adsk::core" and the header file is <Core/Materials/MaterialLibraries.h>


Loads the specified existing local material library. Fusion remembers which libraries have been loaded from one session to the next so you should check to see if the local library is already loaded or not before loading it again.


"materialLibraries_var" is a variable referencing a MaterialLibraries object.
returnValue = materialLibraries_var.load(filename)
"materialLibraries_var" is a variable referencing a MaterialLibraries object.

#include <Core/Materials/MaterialLibraries.h>

returnValue = materialLibraries_var->load(filename);

Return Value

Type Description
MaterialLibrary Returns the MaterialLibrary object representing the opened library or null in the case of failure.


Name Type Description
filename string The full filename of the .adsklib material file.


Introduced in version March 2017