SketchEllipticalArcs.addByEndPoints Method

Parent Object: SketchEllipticalArcs
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/Sketch/SketchEllipticalArcs.h>


Creates an elliptical sketch arc where the sweep of the arc is defined by two points.


"sketchEllipticalArcs_var" is a variable referencing a SketchEllipticalArcs object.
returnValue = sketchEllipticalArcs_var.addByEndPoints(centerPoint, majorAxis, minorAxis, startPoint, endPoint)
"sketchEllipticalArcs_var" is a variable referencing a SketchEllipticalArcs object.

#include <Fusion/Sketch/SketchEllipticalArcs.h>

returnValue = sketchEllipticalArcs_var->addByEndPoints(centerPoint, majorAxis, minorAxis, startPoint, endPoint);

Return Value

Type Description
SketchEllipticalArc Returns the newly created SketchEllipticalArc or null if the creation failed.


Name Type Description
centerPoint Base The center point of the ellipse. This can be either an existing SketchPoint or a Point3D object.
majorAxis Vector3D The direction of the major axis. The magnitude of this vector defines the major radius.
minorAxis Vector3D The direction of the minor axis. The magnitude of this vector defines the minor radius. This vector should be perpendicular to the major axis.
startPoint Base The start point of the elliptical arc. This can be either an existing SketchPoint or a Point3D object. The point should lie on the defined ellipse.
endPoint Base The end point of the elliptical arc. This can be either an existing SketchPoint or a Point3D object. The point should lie on the defined ellipse and the elliptical arc is defined by a counterclockwise sweep from the start point to the end point.


Introduced in version May 2022