TemporaryBRepManager.copy Method

Parent Object: TemporaryBRepManager
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h>


Creates a temporary copy of the input BRepBody, BRepFace, or BRepEdge object.


"temporaryBRepManager_var" is a variable referencing a TemporaryBRepManager object.
returnValue = temporaryBRepManager_var.copy(bRepEntity)
"temporaryBRepManager_var" is a variable referencing a TemporaryBRepManager object.

#include <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h>

returnValue = temporaryBRepManager_var->copy(bRepEntity);

Return Value

Type Description
BRepBody Returns a BRepBody that contains the result. If a BRepBody is input the copy is of the entire body. If a BRepFace is input, then the result is a BRepBody that contains a single face. If a BRepLoop is input then the result is a BRepBody that contains a wire where each edge in the loop will have a corresponding edge in the wire. If a BRepEdge is input then the result is a BRepBody that contains a wire that contains the single edge.


Name Type Description
bRepEntity Base The BRepBody, BRepFace, BRepLoop, or BRepEdge to create a copy of. This can be a parametric B-Rep entity or a temporary B-Rep entity.


Name Description
TemporaryBRepManager API Sample TemporaryBRepManager related functions


Introduced in version December 2017