TemporaryBRepManager.createWireFromCurves Method

Parent Object: TemporaryBRepManager
Defined in namespace "adsk::fusion" and the header file is <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h>


Give an array of curve geometry objects, this method creates a new wire body.


"temporaryBRepManager_var" is a variable referencing a TemporaryBRepManager object.

# Uses no optional arguments.
(returnValue, edgeMap) = temporaryBRepManager_var.createWireFromCurves(curves)

# Uses optional arguments.
(returnValue, edgeMap) = temporaryBRepManager_var.createWireFromCurves(curves, allowSelfIntersections)

#include <Fusion/BRep/TemporaryBRepManager.h

// Uses no optional arguments.
// Declare the output arguments.
Curve3D[] curves;
BRepEdge[] edgeMap;
Ptr<BRepBody> returnValue = temporaryBRepManager_var->createWireFromCurves(curves, edgeMap);

// Uses optional arguments.
// Declare the output arguments.
boolean allowSelfIntersections;

// Call the function.
Ptr<TemporaryBRepManager> returnValue = temporaryBRepManager_var->createWireFromCurves(curves, edgeMap, allowSelfIntersections);

Return Value

Type Description
BRepBody Returns the B-Rep body containing the created wire or null in the case of failure.


Name Type Description
curves Curve3D[] An array containing the input Curve3D objects. These can be Arc3D, Circle3D, Ellipse3D, EllipticalArc3D or Line3D objects.
edgeMap BRepEdge[] An array of edges in the returned body. The order that the edges are in this collection is the same order as the original corresponding Curve3D object is in the input curves array. This allows you to map between the original input curve and created edge.
allowSelfIntersections boolean Specifies if you want to allow self-intersection in the input curves or not.

This is an optional argument whose default value is False.


Name Description
TemporaryBRepManager API Sample TemporaryBRepManager related functions


Introduced in version December 2017