Explode one level of the model

  1. In the Animation Timeline dialog, move the playhead to the point in time to explode the model.

  2. In the browser or canvas, select the components to explode.

  3. On the toolbar, click Transform > Auto Explode: One Level auto explode: one level icon.

    Note: Selecting an assembly that has a subassembly does not auto-explode the subassembly.
  4. Set the options on the Auto Explode toolbar:

    • To set the scale of the explosion, adjust the Explosion Scale slider.
    • To explode all components at the same time, select One-Step Explosion one-step explosion icon.
    • To explode each component sequentially, select Sequential Explosion sequential explosion icon.
  5. On the timeline, adjust the actions to specify the start time and the end time for each step of the explosion.

  6. Click OK.