Move or rotate components

In addition to, or instead of using the Explode command, components can be manually transformed to create various animated sequences.

  1. To specify the time to move or rotate components, move the playhead to the desired point in the storyboard.
  2. Start the Transform Components command using one of the following methods:
    • Click Transform > Transform Components transform components icon. Then in the graphic window or browser, select components to move or rotate.
    • In the graphic window or browser, select components to move or rotate. Then right-click, and select Transform Components.
  3. Specify the translation and rotation in the Transform Components dialog, or use manipulators to move or rotate the selected components:
    • Specify X, Y, and Z Distance to translate the component in X, Y, or Z direction.
    • Specify X, Y, and Z Angle to rotate the component around X, Y, or Z axis.
    • Use the directional manipulator to move the components along an axis.
    • Use the rotational manipulator to rotate the components.
    • Use the plane manipulators to move components within the plane.
  4. In the Transform Components dialog, click OK to confirm new component position and exit the command.

A Move or/and Rotate action is automatically added to the Actions Panel for the selected component or components.

Tip: To move a component to its original position, select the component, and click Transform > Restore Home restore home icon. The move is recorded as an action.