Contact sets can be applied to components in a design so that they only move when they come into contact with one another.
Contact sets use physical contact between components to limit movement. If interference is detected, the components do not move. This method requires more computation than a motion joint.
Contact sets manage which components are evaluated for contact when moving.
Contact sets constrain components so that they cannot pass through each other, and thus behave as they would in the real world. For example, you can constrain a component to revolve around a joint but not pass through its bracket.
The Enable All Contact command analyzes contact between all components in the design regardless of contact sets. The number of components in an assembly affects the performance. The New Contact Set command constrains components that you specify for the contact set.
The New Contact Set command sets contact analysis between the selected components. Contact sets prevent parts from passing through one another.
The Drive Joints command shows exactly where the motion occurs and displays the limits of the component's movement in the component assembly.