Duplicate components with their joints

Learn how to use Duplicate With Joints to duplicate components in an assembly and the joints attached to them Fusion.

duplicate with joints animated example

  1. On the Design toolbar, select Assemble > Duplicate With Joints duplicate with joints icon.

    The Duplicate With Joints dialog displays.

  2. In the Browser, select a Component that is assembled with a Joint.

  3. Optional: Click Add add icon to select additional Components in the assembly.

  4. In the dialog, select a Joint from the table to place instances.

  5. Select an Origin Mode:

    • joint origin - simple icon Simple: Select Snap points to place an instance.
    • joint origin - between two faces icon Between Two Faces: Select Plane 1 and Plane 2 to center the joint origin between them, then select a Snap point to place an instance.
    • joint origin - two edge intersection icon Two Edge Intersection: Select Edge 1 and a non-parallel Edge 2 to locate the Snap point at the extended intersection.
  6. In the canvas, select a Snap point to place an instance.

  7. Optional: Repeat step 6 to place additional instances.

  8. Optional: In the dialog, click More more icon to display the list of placed instances. For each instance, click Flip flip icon to flip the component over the Joint Origin.

  9. Click OK.

Duplicate instances of the components and joints display in the canvas at the locations you selected. A Copy Component and a Joint feature display in the Timeline for each instance.

The duplicate components are associative instances. When you modify any component instance, the changes affect all instances. The duplicate joints are independent instances. When you modify a joint, the changes do not affect any other joints.
