Create drawings from designs

Learn how to create drawings from designs in Fusion.

  1. In the Data Panel, right-click the design.

  2. Click New Drawing From Design.

    The Create Drawing dialog displays.

  3. In the Create Drawing dialog, adjust the Destination settings.

    • Template:
      • From Scratch: Start with a blank, default drawing template.
      • Browse: Select a drawing template to start the drawing with your custom title blocks, borders, document settings, sheet settings, view placeholders, and parts list placeholders.
    • Standard: Select the drafting standard for the drawing.
      • ASME
      • ISO
    • Units: Select the units for the drawing.
      • in
      • mm
    • Sheet Size: Select a sheet size from the list, based on the drafting standard.
  4. Click OK.

The drawing displays in a new document tab, and Fusion prompts you to place a base view on the sheet.

Alternative methods

In an open design: