Joint Motion Limits

Joint Motion Limits restrict joint movement in Fusion. Set motion limits, then Preview Joint Motion to evaluate the range of motion.

You can define the Joint Motion Limits in the Joint and As-Built Joint dialogs when you create a joint, or edit them in the Edit Joint or Edit Motion Limits dialog afterward.

You can set the following limits for each degree of motion within a joint:


Select the degree of motion that you would like to set limits for.


Sets the minimum limit on the range of motion.


Sets the maximum limit on the range of motion.


Sets the resting position for components within the range of motion.


flip icon Flip the minimum and maximum motion limit values. Available when minimum or maximum is checked.

Preview Motion

Animates only that degree of motion without the influence of any other component relationships.

With All Limits

Check to preview the joint motion with all degrees of motion and limits applied.

Note: Each change you make to joint limits has a parameter associated with it, so you can create expression-based limits in a parametric design.

Video: Joint Limits (5:36)