Create new components
Learn how to create new components in the assembly in a Fusion design.
You can:
- Create empty components before you start designing, so that the structure and timeline of the assembly are organized and easy to navigate.
- Create new components from existing bodies, if you've already created them in the default component, and want to organize them into an assembly.
- Create a new component during most of the commands in the Create panel.
Create a new empty component
In the browser, right-click the default component .
You can also access the New Component command on the toolbar, in the Create or Assemble panels.
The New Component dialog displays.
In the New Component dialog, select the component Type:
- Standard
- Sheet Metal
Enter a unique Name for the new component.
Select the location to create the new component, relative to the design:
- Internal: Created and contained in the current design.
- Parent: The new component is created within the parent component. The active component is automatically selected as the parent. To change the parent:
- Click the
to clear the selection.
- In the Browser, click to select the new parent component.
- From Bodies: Check the box to convert existing bodies to individual components.
- If you check option, you can no longer select the parent component, but you can select bodies to convert to components. See detailed instructions below.
- External: Created and contained in a separate design, then referenced into the assembly in the current design.
- Location: The new design that will contain the new component is saved here. The project folder where the current design is saved is automatically selected. Fusion automatically saves it in the same location as its parent. To change the location:
Click the folder name or the X
The Select Folder dialog displays.
In the Select Folder dialog, navigate to the new location where you want to save the design.
Click Select.
For a Sheet Metal component, select a Sheet Metal Rule.
Optional: Uncheck the Activate box if you don't want to activate the new component after you create it.
Click OK.
For Internal Components:
- The new component displays in the browser beneath the parent component you selected.
- If the Activate setting was checked, the component is automatically activated, so that you can start working in the new component.
For External Components:
Fusion automatically saves the new design in the same location as its parent.
- If the parent component is not selected, the default location matches the active project and folder in the Data Panel.
- If the parent component has not been saved yet, the default location matches the active project and folder in the Data Panel.
The new component is referenced into the current design and displays in the browser beneath the parent component you selected.
If the Activate setting was checked, the component is automatically activated, and an Edit In Place session begins so that you can start working in the new component in the context of the current design.
Create new components from existing bodies
In the browser, expand the Bodies folder.
Select the bodies you want to convert to components.
Right-click, then select Create Components from Bodies .
Note: You can also right-click the Bodies folder to select and convert all of the bodies within it.
For each selected body, a new component displays in the browser beneath the component where the body originated. The body is moved from the Bodies folder in the original component to the Bodies folder in the new component.
Note: Although the body moves into the new component, any sketches you used to create it, and any modifications you applied to it, remain in the original component. This can make the timeline difficult to understand and interact with, so it is typically best to create empty components first, and then create the geometry of that component entirely within it.
Create a component during an active command
- Activate a command from the Create panel.
- In the dialog, select New Component from the Operation dropdown menu.
- Adjust any additional settings for the command.
- Click OK.
The new component displays in the browser. The bodies you created during the command display in the canvas and in the Bodies folder of the new component.
Important: If you intend to make copies of a component, avoid using the New Component operation within command dialogs. This option works well for a closed design that requires motion, but the sketch and body remain with the default component, which impacts the Save Copy As command.
- To ensure the parametric history of a component is stored entirely inside the component, create a new component before you start creating any geometry for the component. This ensures any copy of the component will be parametrically complete, excluding references to other components.
- Name each component as you create it, so that you and anyone you collaborate with can easily understand the assembly structure.
- Before you convert bodies to components, rename each body. The name of the new component will match descriptive name you gave the body, and it will be easier to find in the assembly.
- You can create a new component while you're using most of the command in the Create panel, like Extrude, Revolve, Box, Cylinder, etc. During the command, change the Operation setting to New Component. Be sure to rename the component after you create it.
- In the browser, click the radio button next to a component to activate it. Always make a component active before you add geometry to it.