Joint types

Learn about joint types in Fusion.

You can use both the Joint and As-Built Joint tools to create 7 joint types in Fusion. Each joint type uses different degrees of freedom to define motion. You can also add Motion Limits, use Contact Sets, Rigid Groups, and other component relationships in combination with joints to create more realistic movement in your design.


The Rigid rigid joint icon joint type locks components together and removes all degrees of freedom.

Motion allowed: none

Rotate: Define the axis around which the component will rotate.

Common Uses:
  • Welding components together.
  • Bolting multiple components together in multiple locations so that no motion will be allowed.
rigid joint example


The Revolute revolute joint icon joint type lets a component rotate around the Joint Origin, with no additional translation.

Motion allowed: 1 rotation

Rotate: Define the axis around which the component will rotate.

Common Uses:
  • Working with linkages.
  • Rotating bolted components around a single point.
revolute joint example


The slider joint icon Slider joint type moves a component along a single axis, with no additional rotation.

Motion allowed: 1 translation

Slide: Select the axis that the component will move along.

Common Uses:
  • Moving a component back and forth down a track
  • Moving a component up and down a rod without rotation
slider joint example


The Cylindrical cylindrical icon joint type lets a component rotate around and move along a single axis.

Motion allowed: 1 translation and 1 rotation

Axis: Define the axis that the component will move along and rotate around.

Common Uses:
  • Threading a component through a hole
  • Showing the movement of a rod
cylindrical joint example


The Pin-Slot pin-slot joint icon joint type lets a component rotate around one axis and move along a different axis.

Motion allowed: 1 translation and 1 rotation

Rotate: Define the axis that the component will move along.

Slide: Define the axis that the component will rotate around.

Common Uses:
  • Showing rotation and movement of a component within a pin-slot
Note: You cannot select the same axis for both Rotate and Slide. After you select the Rotate axis, the axis you selected is removed from the Slide axis list (and vice versa).
pin slot joint example


The Planar planar joint icon joint type lets a component move along two axes and rotate around a single axis.

Motion allowed: 1 translation and 1 rotation

Normal: Define the axis that the component will rotate around.

Slide: Define the axis for planar movement.

Common Uses:
  • Connecting two components along the same plane, without limiting additional degrees of freedom
  • Moving a box on top of a table
    • Keep the bottom face of the box touching the top face of the table
    • Move the box along the table top and rotate it about the normal of the table top
    Note: After you select the Normal axis, the Slide axis is automatically determined.
planar joint example


The Ball ball joint icon joint type lets a component rotate around all 3 axes using a gimbal system (3 nested rotations), with no translations.

Motion allowed: 1 translation and 1 rotation

Pitch: Define the lateral axis that the component will rotate around.

Yaw: Define the perpendicular axis that the component will rotate around.

Roll: The longitudinal axis for Roll is determined automatically once Pitch and Yaw are defined.

Common Uses:
  • Connecting two components along the same plane, without limiting additional degrees of freedom
  • Requiring full rotational freedom, but the rotate point should never move
ball joint example

Axis definition

Note: When you create a joint, you also create a parameter that you can alter in Parametric Modeling.
Note: When you create a joint, maintaining the fewest degrees of freedom will help you test your assembly faster.