Edit bodies

It’s important to realize that any edit of the shape of a Component is a body edit.

Components are just the containers for bodies, bodies are the containers for shapes.

Edit bodies in place

If your intent is to edit the original definition of the body, find the sketch or feature that created it and either double click or right click to edit. The feature or sketch will be in the midst of the timeline.

Note: The objects will be edited at the time and location they was created. So if you have used Move or Joints you may need to use Find in Canvas to locate your object.

Edit derived parts

If your intent is to create variations of components based on a shared starting point, use the Derived Part workflow.

This is achieved by copying a body that is partially developed into assembly sub-components.

Changes to the original body are made using Timeline. Go back in time and edit the original body. The downstream components will all update. Thus, you have full control over the original body and the variant bodies using the Timeline.