Machine Inclined Flats option

Fusion Manufacturing Extension

This feature is part of an extension. Extensions are a flexible way to access additional capabilities in Fusion. Learn more.

You can machine flat areas that are inclined at an angle using the Machine Inclined Flats option in the Multi-Axis tab in the Flat finishing dialog.

Machine inclined flat dialogs

Flat areas machined without the inclined flats

Flat toolpath machining flat areas only

Flat areas machined with the inclined flats

Flat toolpath machining inclined areas

You can control which inclined areas to machine by using minimum and maximum tilt angles, which are referenced from a Tool Axis Reference.

Note: When Machine Inclined Flats is selected, the entire geometry of the model is considered, meaning you will not be able to confine the toolpath to a specific machining boundary from the Geometry tab.