Hole Recognition reference

Fusion Manufacturing Extension

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Hole Recognition automates the process to create hole machining operations.

hole recognition example

Manufacture > Milling or Turning > Drilling > Hole Recognition hole recognition icon

The model is analyzed for cylinders and those cylinders are assigned an Action. You can override the selection for a different type of Action. Actions will be some combination of Spot drilling, Drilling, Counter Boring, Boring, Tapping, or Reaming.

Tools will be selected from the tool libraries you specify. Standard Inch and Metric libraries are active by default, along with any tools in the current document. Select custom tool libraries that represent the tools you have available for a more focused tool selection.

Holes can be recognized in any plane, on any face, or limited to the plane of the currently active Setup. This makes Hole Recognition useful for any rotary application where holes intersect a cylinder (4th axis) or any multi faced part (5 axis).

plane limit example - top only plane limit example - all angles

Hole Groups tab

Hole Groups create a list of hole features discovered on the model. Once all the diameters are sorted, Hole Recognition makes a list of Actions that can be performed on the holes, based on their size and features. Select any Diameter in the list and the matching holes are highlighted on the model.

hole recognition dialog - hole groups tab

If you right-click any of the columns, you can activate additional information.


Displays the diameter of the holes in the group.


Displays which types of operations can be performed to a hole size. Actions will be some combination of Spot drilling, Drilling, Counter Boring, Boring, Tapping, or Reaming. You may choose to Ignore the hole completely.

hole recognition dialog - hole groups tab - action

If you select an Action that requires Tapping, the Tread Type column offers options in a list.

Thread Type

Displays options available for threaded holes.

hole recognition dialog - hole groups tab - thread type

Group Modifiers

At the lower left of the dialog are the Modifiers. Use these to change the properties of the hole segments.

hole recognition dialog - hole groups tab - group modifiers

Left to right order:

If the Multi-Axis Machining parameter on the Options tab is enabled, holes are viewed from any plane. For holes that require drilling from top and bottom planes, you can use these options to change how Fusion views the hole segments.

hole recognition dialog - delete segment - group modifiers

Removes the bottom segment of the hole so it can be machined from the top plane.

hole recognition dialog - split hole - group modifiers

Splits the hole into two segments, so they can be machined separately from the top and the bottom planes. The blue area show, becomes a separate hole group.

holes in the top and bottom planes

Unless special tools are used, the hole shown in blue needs to be machined from both the top and bottom.

Tool Libraries tab

Tools are selected from the tool libraries that you specify. Standard Inch and Metric libraries from the Samples are active by default, along with any tools in the current document. Select custom Local tool libraries that represent the tools you have available for a more focused tool selection. If no matching tool exists in the selected libraries, the operation is created, but fails to generate until a tool is selected.

Tool Size - Currently the tool must match or be a smaller substitute than the hole size. If you have a hole of 0.187 IN diameter and your library only has a tool of 0.1875, no selection is made.

Counter Bored Holes - Currently Counter Bore hole operations are looking for Flat End mills to plunge the hole. Eventually other options will exist for Ct Boring, including circular milling options.

Properly equipped tool libraries are the key to successful Hole Recognition results.

hole recognition dialog - tool libraries tab

Options tab

Holes can be recognized in any plane, on any face, or limited to the plane of the currently active Setup. This makes Hole Recognition useful for any rotary application where holes intersect a cylinder (4th axis) or any multi faced part (5 axis).

Multi-Axis Machining

Includes holes in all planes. By default, Fusion searches for holes in the current, active plane, where the Z axis represents the hole centerline.

plane limit example - all angles

Multi-Axis Machining selected.

plane limit example - top only

Multi-Axis Machining deselected.

Find by Angle

Sets a limiting angular range for selecting the holes to machine. Angles are set from the vertical spindle axis.

plane angles

These holes range from 0 degrees to 70 degrees.

Minimum Angle and Maximum Angle

Sets a limiting range for selecting the holes to machine. Angles are set from the vertical spindle axis.

angle limit 0-50

Minimum Angle of 0 degrees and Maximum Angle of 50 degrees.

angle limit 55-70

Minimum Angle of 55 degrees and Maximum Angle of 70 degrees.

Find by Diameter

Sets a limiting range for selecting holes based on diameter.

Set the Maximum Diameter value for the holes to include.

Maximum Diameter

Sets a high limiting range for selecting holes based on diameter.

Organize Operations

Lets you choose to order by tool changes or hole size.

Template Library Folder

Hole Recognition uses predefined Template Libraries to create the hole machining actions. By default, all available Template Libraries are considered for creating the hole operation. If you have custom templates, you can force Fusion to look only at operations from a specific library.

Click Select and pick the library to use.

Libraries can be stored in a Local or Cloud folder location.

Creating and using custom templates

It is possible to create custom examples of actions. Templates are multiple operations that are saved together as a group. If these operations fit with the holes discovered during the Hole Recognition process, they are shown in the Actions list.

To create a custom template:

  1. In the Browser, right-click the operations, and choose Store as Hole Template.
  2. Give the template a meaningful name.
  3. Select a Location.
  4. Click Save.

actions menu - store as hole template

If the Hole Recognition process finds a feature that matches the characteristics of the Custom Template, it becomes available in the Action list.

hole recognition dialog - hole groups tab - actions - store template

Use Fewest Spot Drills Possible

Uses a single spot drill for all hole sizes.