Activity 4: Rest rough using 3D pocket

In this activity, you will use a 3D Pocket Clearing strategy to remove more of the remaining material where the 20 mm tool from the previous operation did not fit.

before and after

Part with Adaptive Clearing applied to it (left). Part after using 3D Pocket Clearing (right).



  1. In the Pocket dialog, select the tool #13 - Ø6 R1 mm bullnose tool.

    1. On the Manufacture toolbar, Milling tab, select 3D > Pocket Clearing 3d pocket icon.
    2. On the Tool tab tool tab icon, click Select to access the tool library.
    3. Select the tool #13 - Ø6 R1 mm - bull nose from the Tutorial4 library.
    4. Click Select to close the Select Tool dialog.
  2. Remove the material the previous operation did not remove.

    1. Click the Geometry tab geometry tab icon.
    2. Enable the Rest Machining checkbox.
  3. Specify the machining passes parameters.

    1. Click the Passes tab passes tab icon.
    2. Set the Smoothing Deviation to 1 mm.
    3. Set the Maximum Roughing Stepdown to 2 mm.
    4. In the Stock to Leave group, set Radial Stock to Leave to 0.3 mm.
  4. Set the retraction policy to shortest path.

    1. Click the Linking tab linking tab icon.
    2. Select Shortest Path from the Retraction Policy drop-down menu. This gives the shortest possible rapid movement paths but can only be used on high-speed-enabled machines where rapid motion is interpolated as linear moves. Should you wish to machine the tutorial part on your machine, you may have to change this setting to suit your machine and control.
    3. Click OK to automatically start calculating the toolpath. A preview appears on the canvas.

calculated toolpath

Activity 4 summary

In this activity, you used a 3D Pocket Clearing strategy to remove more of the remaining material where the 20 mm tool from the previous operation could not reach.